Chapter 2: Rosalyn

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Fourth period is my favorite class: history. I don't hate other classes, well except maybe calculus. I actually enjoy school, and sure there are a few teachers that I would rather not have and some students who make class difficult, but no one has ever deterred my love of history. It has all the right ingredients.

I wonder if I'll go down in history. It wouldn't need to be big, just something important to me. For instance, I'm in the history of this high school as a senior and, at the end of this year, a graduate.

I'd love for my mark to be more worth while though.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts as the bell rings.

"Ms.Griffin? May I have a word?" I'm quickly filled with fear, but I wear a cheerful smile instead. I have a 101% in the class and I've never been in any trouble. I haven't done anything wrong.

Maybe I've corrected her one too many times.

"Yes Mrs.Smith?"

"I was wondering if you'd show a new student around tomorrow. You both have my homeroom, so you could help him navigate the halls and understand his schedule. Would you do that?" She smiles at me expectantly.

"Of course Mrs. Smith. For a moment I thought I could be in trouble," I reply with a relieved sigh.

"What could you possibly be punished for," she laughs. "Too much extra credit? I'll remind you tomorrow morning when you are to get him."

"Yes ma'am!" I walk out of there and beam. I love meeting new people. I love helping new people...scratch that, I just love people. Everyone with their own histories I can be a part of, if only for a minute.

I walk to my car and Natalie is already there, giving me an impatient look. Natalie is my younger sister, by one year and two days, but who's counting. We look like we could be twins, but you'd never know it from how we act. That's very different.

"Natalie, you won't believe what I get to do tomorrow." I grin and start the car, pulling out of the schools parking lot.

"Breathe?" She gives a flat face and I give her a small pout.

"Well, we can be excited about that later because I get to show around a new student!" I happily drum my fingers on the steering wheel.

"Is he cute?" She wiggles her eyebrows suggestively and sends a smirk my way.

"First, you shouldn't be concerned over looks," I counter. "Second, I don't even know how he looks." My smile wilts. "Maybe I should've asked her that." Worries begin to flood my mind.

"It does too matter," Natalie argues. "He could have a Prince Charming personality but be obese and ugly."

"Hey! Obesity is a real problem."

"That you clearly don't suffer from," she follows. I bite my lip and breathe in and out slowly, bringing back my smile.

"Thank you. Anyway, I'll have to lead him to homeroom. We have the same one," I beam, pushing away negativity.

"Oh, that reminds me. I am gonna skip homeroom, so I won't have time to do my homework." She gives me puppy dog eyes. "I need to borrow your notes from last year."

"Come on Natalie! You are supposed to take notes in class!"

"And you were supposed to get a boyfriend," she points out. I scoff and notice a small smile behind her eye roll.

"Boys aren't that important," I explain. "If I had a boyfriend, I would lose precious time where I could be improving our school or the community." She gives me a flat face. I give her an exasperated sigh in response. "I promise, if I like a boy, you'll be first to know."

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