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Toby's POV
I hated the idea of my daughter dating and I hated that I had to meet him tonight.
"I can't believe you set this up," I said, folding a pile of clothes.
"We needed to meet the guy our daughter has been hanging out with sometime," Spencer reasoned. "And that time we spied on them doesn't count,"
"If you had just let her go out..." I trailed off.
"We have no money." Spencer stated.
"I'm sorry," I sighed.
"It's not your fault," she said, softly.

Avery's POV
I tied the string on the back of my dress and studied my work on the mirror.
"What do you think?" I asked Noah.
We didn't have enough rooms in our house to each have our own, so I had to share with Noah, while Landon, Oliver and Connor shared another and josh and Genevieve shared the third. Mom said we could rearrange when Genevieve got older so I could share with another girl, but for now she needed to be able to get to two crying babies at once which she couldn't do if they were in different rooms.

"Gorgeous," Noah said, not looking up from his phone.
I sighed.
"I can't believe your actually inviting your boyfriend over for dinner," he said. "That crazy!"
"Mom practically forced me to," I explained.
"Remember when I invited Rebecca over for dinner to meet the parents?" He asked.

Noah's POV
I drew in a breath as I opened the door and welcomed my girlfriend, Rebecca, into my house to meet my parents.
My dad wasn't so happy about it but my mom was thrilled.
"Hi!" My mom said as Rebecca entered the house.
"Hi," Rebecca a sneered shyly.
"Please sit down." My mom gestured to the dining room table.
Rebecca sat as my mom called up to my siblings, telling them to come down.
There was a stampede of feet running down to the table, each taking a seat.
"I'm Spencer," my mom introduced.
"And that's Toby," she stuck a thumb to my dad, who didn't look happy to see her.
She shook hands with both of my parents.
"I'm Avery!" My sister said excitedly.
"I share a room with Noah! So if you ever want to hear some gross story about his underwear, ask me!"
I fake laughed and kicked Avery under the table.
"Connor," said Connor. "But you can call me the beast!"
She smiled, slightly frightened as he flirted with her.
"This here is Landon," connor explained. "He's my assistant."
"I like you," he said, shyly.
"Hey! Stop stealing my woman!" Connor accused.
"Connor, Landon! She's Noah's girlfriend," my mom said, sternly.

Dinner didn't go as badly as I thought it would besides the awkward aspect.
"Momma? Can me and my assistant be excused?" Connor asked.
"My assistant and I." Mom corrected. "And yes, you can go,"

The dinner continued when I noticed Connor and Landon spying on us. I didn't think anything of it.

I was just about to talk about sports when Rebecca screamed next to me.
When I looked at her, I noticed that half of her hair had been burned off.
Standing behind her looking guilty stood Connor and Landon. My mom looks horrified while the rest of my family had to stifle a laugh.
The shy and quiet Rebecca got angry when Avery broke out in bursts of laughter.
"Look, Noah!" She said, standing and walking to the door. "I like you. But I hate your family. and if this relationship is going to last then I want someone who's family likes me,"
"They do like you!" I insisted.
"Your brothers tried to burn my hair off!" She yelled.
"We're done." She had said more but I blocked it from my memory completely.
End of flashback

Avery's POV
"That was a disaster," I agreed. "But it won't happen with Jordan." I said it way more sure of myself than I sounded.
There was a knock on the door, and I ran to go answer it.
"Hi," said Jordan.
"Hi," I answered, stepping asides so he could come in.
"So, what's new?" He asked.
"We saw each other this morning," I said. Trying to act cool when he showed that he cares how my day goes.
"Hi!" My mom said, coming into the room. "I'm Spencer,"
"Toby," my dad said next to her.
"Nice to meet you sir," Jordan shook my dad's hand. "And you, Mrs. Cavenaugh,"
"You too, Jordan," my mom answered smiling.

Spencer's POV
"Avery, why don't you give Jordan a tour?" I asked my daughter. Jordan seemed really nice and really into Avery.
I watched as They walked upstairs together.
"Are we sure we want him in her room?" Toby asked me.
"Have a little trust in our daughter, Toby," I said.
"It's not her I'm worried about," he mumbled.

Avery's POV
I walked Jordan upstairs and into Noah and I's room, where Noah was on his laptop.
"This is my brother Noah," I said to Jordan, who immediately shook hands.
"We share a room so if you ever want to.. You know," he made a weird face and winked. "Do it at your place,"
"Noah!" I said. And he shrugged.
We walked into Oliver, Connor and Landon's room next.
"Go away!" They all yelled at us.
"Landon. Connor. Oliver." I said pointing to each one as I spoke.
"We said go away!" Connor chucked a pillow at us and we retreated into the hallway.
"And finally," I opened the door to the nursery. "Genevieve and Josh,"
I interrupted they're nap time so they both immediately started crying.
I lifted Josh first and started rocking him back  and forth. "Shhh." I soothed until he finally silenced.

The dinner was awkward. Very awkward. My dad asked questions while glaring and my brothers kept whispering, except Noah who was texting.
"Noah, phone off," my mom instructed.
"Sorry," he placed his phone next to him, until a minute later it buzzes and he checked it.

As Jordan left, we kissed on the front porch. It was monumental.
"I'll see you tomorrow," I said and he nodded.

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