Trick or Treat?|| {Halloween!past!larry}

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this is really cliche btw, just as a warning. its really lame too but idk its kinda cute.

Its that time of year again where the leaves have all fallen and the pumpkins have been carved. Where costumes have been either made or bought and candy bowls filled to their potential. The weather is cool, but not cold, and people of all ages get excited for the haunting hour of October 31st.

Louis wasn't as excited as some other kids might have been. He had just recently moved and didn't have many friends nor recognize the area as well. He was loud and funny and the other kids liked him, but he wouldn't consider them friends yet, they were still classmates. Louis was happy though, when a group of boys in his grade invited him to go trick-or-treating with them, he was glad the other thirteen-year-old's didn't think they were too old because quite frankly, Louis liked free candy. There was one detail though, he wasn't quite sure of.

"After, we can all go to the ol' Wills Place." Stan said with a smirk.

"Where?" Louis questioned.

"The ol' Wills place!" Niall hollered.

"Shh!" The group shushed him.

"Sorry." He muttered.

Zayn began to tell the story, "Mrs. Will used to live there with her husband, they were really mean  to all the kids, especially on Halloween. No one would go to their house because she would beat kids with her cane if they asked for candy! But when Mr. Will died-"

"She hung herself!" Niall interrupted again, horrified by his own expression. Louis gasped.

"Her ghost is still there." Liam whispered.

"It only comes out oh Halloween though, if you ring the doorbell, shell come out and...gettcha!" Stan yelled. All four boys jumped back in fear. Stan cackled, "Every year we hold a contest to see who can get the farthest on her yard." He explained, "I won last year by touching the door knob, you want to come?" When Louis hesitated, Stan decided to tease him, "Unless you're too scared."

Louis frowned, "You guys are making that up, I'm not scared of anything."

"Then you'll come!" Niall grinned.

"Yeah, I'll come." He huffed.

Louis wasn't sure if he'd enjoy himself as much, he had only gone to school for about two weeks, and already he was starting to see familiar faces and get a gist of everyone in the neighborhood and at school. But there was one boy he didn't know the name of, but he saw him often in the lunch room. This boy was always talking, always smiling. Louis wanted a friend like that, one that would make him smile and laugh, not just the other way around. He was always at the other side of the room though and they were instructed to stay at their lunch tables, so he was at a loss there. Maybe, he thought, he could just learn to get along with these friends he had met, they thought he was funny.

Harry absolutely couldn't wait for Halloween, it was the first year his mother was going to let him go alone with his friends now that he was twelve. It was a fairly small neighborhood where everyone knew each other and his mother trusted him as long as he promised to not leave the neighborhood and be back by ten. If he did this, he could keep going trick-or-treating without an adult for the following years. He was ecstatic, ready to prove himself worthy that he knew the streets and was old enough to not get lost.

"What are you going as this year, Harry?" His mother asked him the night before. He hadn't bothered her with trips to the store to look for anything, so she was curious as to what he had managed to create this year.

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