Float Like A Butterfly, Sting Like A Bee|| fable

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dont laugh. or laugh idc, its ridiculous really

 moral: Dont Judge A Book By Its Covor

Everyone knows the monarch is the most flirtatious and flamboyant of all the butterflies during the spring time. With their pretty fall colors that remind everyone of home and their exquisite patterns and large wings made the other bugs swoon, everyone wanted one. All the other butterflies were rather jealous of any monarch that came by, especially the one with the largest wing span. This spring, it just so happened to be Harry he was rather nervous as to what the other butterflies would say.

Harry’s wings were so broad and beautiful and just so attractive, all the other butterflies wanted him. He had the perfect patterns to mate with whichever butterfly he wanted and no one would believe he still hadn’t found at least one mate. Guy butterflies were different; they could have an infinite amount of female mates in their small lifetime. So this spring, everyone would be all over Harry. They spread rumors that he was loose and would give his sweet nectar to multiple butterflies each spring and many claimed to have been one of his mates already with his children. All the other female butterflies wanted his attention.

They would crowd him and lick him with their curly tongues that tasted of the sweet nectar they had gotten from the flowers. They put themselves on display by spreading their wings all over his face and they would put their sticky little legs all over him. They would harass him just to say they had been with the Harry Styles with the gorgeous wings.

Harry hated the attention; he would hide under leaves and creep into the quieter side of the fields, which was sad because he had beautiful wings that were meant to fly freely. His only friends were praying mantas by the name of Niall and a dragon fly by the name of Liam. The three would go to the dandelion fields where the worms and the weeds were and the other bugs wouldn’t bug them.

“I haven’t mated because if I do, I get my head eaten.” Niall complained, “I don’t know what you’re complaining about, Harry.”

“Leave him be!” Liam pestered, “He gets flashed and mobbed where ever he goes.”

“I don’t see anything wrong with that.”Niall snickered, dreaming of being showered with the attention of hundreds of pretty butterflies.

“I just don’t like any of them. I want to go and pollinate flowers with someone nice instead of just letting them have my children,” He sighed.

His friends nodded their heads in understanding.

Louis was a honey bee, with one of the biggest stingers his hive has ever seen. The buzz he let off while he flew was loud enough to intimidate the other bees. None of the other bugs liked the bees, they were considered mean, their stingers made them look threatening and their dark eyes made them look grumpy; most bugs avoided them at all costs. It was hard being a bee; it was hard to make friends when everyone considered you their enemy. But even among the other bees, Louis was avoided.

The other bees would exclude him from their trips to pollinate flowers and they always talked about how sour he was. And maybe Louis was a bit sassy sometimes and demanding but he would never mean harm to another creature. He was challenged in fights and called names and whenever he was provoked he was quick to defend himself but everyone took it negatively and they considered his rough outer shell as purposefully hostile. Louis hated his reputation.

His only friend was a ladybug by the name of Zayn. The only reason they were friends is because Louis helped him out of the web of a spider and they hit it off from there.

“I don’t understand why everyone thinks I’m so mean.” Louis pouted, after finding out the bees went out on another expedition to the flowers without him.

“It’s ok, I know you’re not like that.” Zayn said to him, “Ignore them.”

“It just sucks when I want friends to pollinate with and there’s no one.”

“Well sorry I’m not good enough.” Zayn huffed.

Louis nudged him, “Quit your crying, you know I love you.”

It was the first day of spring and Harry was sat on top his usual Lotus flower, happily sucking away at the nectar and enjoying the sun rising slowly from the east. There were dew drops of on the leaves and he floated down ever so gracefully to wipe it away from the plant, knowing it would leave little holes because of the suns reflection.

Louis was emerging from his hive, stretching his six fuzzy little legs and getting ready for the first day of spring, all bugs were busy this time of year. The other bees had left him behind, but he expected that and he still had a job to do. He had just barely made it across the slope of the flowery hill when he sees the most beautiful butterfly sprawled out on the lovely Lotus flower and he’s enchanted really, he’s seen a few monarchs in his day, but this one was just to graceful and slender and so gentle with the flowers, Louis appreciated his work. He stayed hanging in mid air just to watch him with lustful eyes.

Harry heard the buzzing of a nearby bee and when he looked over at the one that was a few feet away from him, he turned the other way and searched for another flower, trying to avoid the bee. Louis caught this and he felt his motivation to pollinate flowers plummet, he hated that no one liked him just because he was a bee.

Just then, Harry’s quick movements to get away from Louis blew his cover and within that instant, multiple butterflies had surrounded themselves around him. Louis witnessed this and huffed out a breath, and to think he thought the butterfly was beautiful. He was just a player of sorts, with women throwing themselves at him. Louis was jealous, no one wanted him.

But a second look made Louis realize he was calling for help. Louis watched him as he squirmed uncomfortably around on the tiny leaf that could hardly support them all. He watched the beautiful butterfly struggle and he made a quick decision just like when he had helped Zayn. Louis took a dive and threw himself in front of Harry, startling everyone.

“Oi! Leave him alone!” He buzzed in anger, making everyone back away from him, including Harry. The butterflies stared at him oddly, but they were scared and instead floated off, looking for another mate for that spring.

Harry watched the bee thankfully, “Th-thank you.”

“It was no problem.” Louis buzzed brightly, happy that this marvelous monarch was safe and talking to him.

Harry watched him quietly, “I thought bees were supposed to be mean.”

“Yeah well I thought butterflies were supposed to be arrogant and flirty,” He snapped loudly, only to catch himself and quiet down, “But I saw you calling for help.”

Harry nodded.

“What was wrong anyway? They looked like they were pampering you.”

Harry sighed, “They all want to mate for the spring, but I don’t, I just want someone to pollinate flowers with.”

Louis’ buzz got significantly louder from excitement and when Harry noticed, he quieted down embarrassed.

“You’re a bee, shouldn’t you be with your hive?” Harry asked, breaking the silence.

Louis sighed, “No, they don’t like me. They think I’m too mean.”

“Well you seem pretty nice.”

Louis blushed and took a chance, “You know, I don’t have anyone to pollinate with either.”

Harry was quiet a moment before he asked Louis if they should pollinate the flowers together and Louis could hardly contain his buzzing excitement, Harry laughed at that. They spent the rest of the day pollinating the flowers together, choosing their favorite flowers. Harry’s was the rose and Louis’ was the sunflower. They talked about how excited they were for this spring and how busy they were going to be; and Harry couldn’t help himself but call Louis a busy bee. Harry even let him lick the nectar off his curly tongue because it got the best nectar. No one bothered them, with Louis by Harry’s side, they were all scared to, they only stared from afar, but they didn’t care. They didn’t care because they finally found someone who didn’t want them for sex and who didn’t think they were bitter, they finally found someone else with which they could just pollinate the flowers with and float about happily around with each other, enjoying their company.

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