Chapter 36

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I woke up in the car. "What happened?"

 I sat up I had a sharp pain in my stomach. I held my hand on the spot. I pulled off and my whole hand was covered in blood. 

"I stabbed myself didn't I?" Dean nodded.

 "Yeah just because I said I wasn't going to say yes to Michael." I tensed up and started looking for a knife. 

"Don't worry you can't find a knife in here. I took the all out because I relized that you needed help." I nodded.

 "Thank you. You know I can't just sit here and act like nothing's happening." Dean nodded. 

"I know so this is what I'm going to do. I'm going to take you back to your cabin and I'm going to take all the knifes. I'm going to stay and help you and everytime you ask me if I'm going to say Yes to Micheal. I'll change the subject everytime." I smiled and nodded. 

"Yeah that will be helpful for that part but what about the dreams? What if I go to shoot someone and I actually find a gun here and shot you?" He looked at me. 

"Okay I won't put a gun around us if it looks like you are zoned out and when we're asleep." I nodded. 

"How much longer? It's starting to hurt."

 "About half an hour." I nodded. I closed my eyes and ended up zoning out again. Zachariah was right I wouldn't recognize where I am. 

"Hello?!" I walked down a white hall. 

"You must be (Y/n). The girl trying to get Dean and Sam to say yes to Michael and Lucifer. I'm Uriel. I'm sure Zachariah told you about me." I turned around and nodded. 

"Yes. He said you would be wanting to talk with me." He smiled and nodded. 

"Yes, It's about you actually." I was curious. Cas popped in beside me.

 "Uriel you can't tell her until she is ready." I looked at Cas.

 "Since when do you say when I'm not ready for something? Besides if I need to know I need to know so talk." I looked at Cas and Uriel.

 "(Y/n) You should've came here when you sold your soul but your love with Dean took you with him." I nodded.

"Yeah because I do love him and what do you mean I should've came here?" Cas Turned me around to where I would be looking at him. 

"Your mom is actually your foster mom. Your mom is here in Heaven. She Died a few weeks after she had you. She's visited you before. When Dean was in the hospital she acted as a nurse." I shook my head no.

 "That's Impossible My mom would've told me this. If she was my foster mom." Cas looked to Uriel. 

"Why else would you start having these 'dreams'. Demons can't trigger them only Angels." I backed into a wall and sat in the floor. 

"I'v gone mad. This explains it all. I never died since I came back it was all you guys." I snapped out of it. 

"My mom's not my real mom." Dean looked at me.

 "What?" I looked at him.

 "When I was in that dream I was in Heaven with Castiel and this other Angel Uriel. They told me my real mom wasn't my real mom."

 We pulled up to the cabin. Then the word 'You're an Angel' were written on my arm then faded.

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