Raw(July 11)

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Well even I missed it I still saw the matches I mean they could better. All though Dean protecting Roman was cool. The video though was funny Yes it is fake but still. They need to give The Lucha Brothers aa chance I mean they all target Rey's back. They need to win not one or two matches they need to win allot to make up e matches he lost when he lost title. Also Darren Young, if he wins I don't know how I feel about that. He didnt do anything to win. I'll give him a chance see how 'great' he is. The 'We want Cena!' 'No we don't' chant was awesome. Sorry if I seem weir or upset been a weird day, but this video made my day: 'Breezado' and 'I'm the gym leader now', and 'run with me Timothy' hahahaha. The sasha and Dana fight though. Also anyone else know that Steph will run Raw and Shane will run Smackdown. "I dont care if its illegal" welp WEEEEEDDDDD JK JK

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