C h a p t e r O n e

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Brazilian Theodore Leone stared in the mirror at his scarred foggy eye. He had earned that from a car accident which occurred 10 years ago.

His mum, his dad, and his vision in his right eye were permanently lost. He's been half blind ever since. Theo is now nineteen years old and openly gay. He's the kind of guy which loves how he looks like. No matter how scarred he is, he doesn't care.

He loves his sky blue eye, and the foggy one too. His silky pitch black hair, and his tanned skin which made his eye colour stand out were his favorite features.

He loved his height. 6'1" was the perfect height for the guy his age. Theo was truly happy with who he is.

He doesn't care what other people think. He's got his own opinion about himself and doesn't need other people. Although he's got no remaining family to live with, being alone was great.

He had two best friends which he met when he was thirteen. Kerri and Zara. They were always here for him and never left his side. They accepted him as a homosexual, and they weren't that straight their selves.

Kerri is lesbian and Zara was bisexual. The two of them had had a sexual encounter, but never had a relationship. You could call it one night stand, but they did it quite often.

Theo smiled one last time at his reflection and stripped to go to the shower.

As the warm water collided with his caramel skin, Theo looked down on the scars on his arm. He got these scars trying to save his parents from the burning car. Unfortunately, he didn't save them, but earned a couple of scars by it. He thought some more while he showered.

About fifteen minutes later, Theo got changed for school. He was starting new at Patricia Brothers college. His rich aunt Layla from his mum's side has paid a tuition for him a couple of months ago. He had lived with her until he wanted to move into his own place.

Theo was quite greatful, but he still felt bad because he had to leave the only person who cared for him half his life.

As he finished, he thought about his new school. Theo wanted to make a couple of friends, but he was aware of the consequences of making friends.

They stab you in the back, bash you secretly and most of them can be two faced. experienced proved the theory.

His black leather shoes made a patter sound as he walked to lock the doors and windows before he left for the bus stop which was right around the corner of his 'mansion'.

He lived in a pretty big house, thanks to aunt Layla and her money.

A short walk later, he waited for the dreaded bus to arrive while he sat on a bench texting Zara.

7:13 am


ZARA: hey you at school yet?
THEO: nah, just waiting for the bus. #boredasf
ZARA: seriously? Your still using hash tags? Theo...As your best friend I have to tell you this...YOUR A LOSER.
THEO: You're* and thank you. anyway the bus is here so...wish me luck! #soscaredrn
ZARA: Good luck, loser.

He turned his phone off and looked at the bus that was arriving. He took a deep breath and stood up as it stopped with a 'pshhh' that sent the butterflies into theo's stomach to grow 10 times larger.

He stepped in as soon as the door opened and he awkwardly bumped into the door which hurt his shoulder.

He scanned his card and tried to find a place to sit. He felt everyone's eyes on him, but he didn't look back at anyone but the seats.

An empty seat at the back of the bus suddenly felt welcoming and warm, he sat down and hoped that no one bad sat next to him.

One stop later, the door opened again, and a boy around Theo's age walked in. Theo couldn't help but stare at the boy who was surprisingly coming his way. He had dark blue neck length hair, which was half shaved at both sides. on his nose lay a septum piercing, and he had about three piercings on his left eye brow. He had snakebites and dark thin sideburns which stopped at the edges of his lips

His ears were covered in piercings, and his you could see a tattoo poking out of his black sleeve. He was pale, and had hazel eyes, which were coated with thick dark eyelashes which were thicker than his black eyebrows. Theo tried to look away when the mystery guy sat next to him as there were so remaining seats, but he couldn't. He reeked of the smell of smoke and beer..He smelt and looked intimidating, But Theodore couldn't help himself.

The boy must've felt Theo staring because he looked back with a sinister smirk. In his head, sins were making their selves at home. He knew this guy was going to be fun to play with.
Hello!! I'm excited I finally finished this chapter..it's pretty short but it's okay, I didn't have anything else to write.
Okay so I know I said this story will be called Daddys Boy but I wanna change it to Sins because I'm satan and I can do anything I want.
OH and thanks to MrSatan- for actually noticing this story~~I was going to delete it but then he saw it, so this chapter's for you!!


So, soon after the first chapter was published, Zara asked me, @MrSatan-, aka Kai, if I would want to collab in writing this story together, so from chapter 3 and forward, I will be writing and editing for with and with her. SoOoO,-

Hey! My name is Kai, and I will be writing this story with Zara. :)

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