Chapter I - Ashley

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State the difference between osmosis and active transport.

Alright, this one’s easy.

I recited the last of my revision, sighed and swiftly stretched, bringing the blood back to my head. Gosh, studying in a cafeteria, Dumbest. Idea. Ever.

“Hehehehe, O.M.G check out those converse, they’re so last season!” giggled Stephanie. You see, Steph is the Fashionista of our clique. She has the eye of style. A single hair out of place and she’ll spot it from like, a mile away. “Yea, can’t believe she has the dignity to walk with those”

“Britt, for love’s sake, she doesn’t even walk with dignity,” I suppressed a laugh and scanned the cafeteria. Just another typical Tuesday morning. The geeks over at table 9 snorting over some Physics joke, the gamers arguing about who's the strongest in between the Avengers at table 6 and the typical rush of the fatties trying to get first in line on the buffet.  With Mr. Parker on duty, the canteen was a mess; I could’ve sworn I saw a piece of chicken flying over the crowd. You see, Mr. Parker, who supposedly is our coach, isn’t the perfect example of a fitness trainer with his short, pudgy legs and quite a large belly barricading his eyes from what lies beneath his stomach.

"Ash!" I looked over my shoulder to see one of the girls that managed to wiggle themselves out of that food battle. She was making her way to our VIP table 3- James Bond style. She had gravy sauce trickling over her massive shirt and a kind of creepy toothy smile drawn in between her chubby cheeks. For a minute I thought she pictured me as her grilled lunch, "Is Chapter 4 included in the test?" her squeaky voice snapped me back to reality, "just until point four."I quickly replied, slowly shifting back "Thanks!" She screeched and winked which kind of looked like she had something stuck in her eye.

"Geez Ash, these losers should seriously stop infecting our bubble." I nodded, Brittany had a point, I couldn’t take anymore slow and brainless questions from sluggish and large creepers. The bell rang.

Everybody was flooding out of the cafeteria now. I stayed parked on my seat with my clique until the swarm would cool down. Plus, being fashionably late is the new trend these days. I calmly got up, fixed my skirt, checked out my reflection on my hot pink pocket mirror and made my way to the lockers, leading the group.

"Hey Ash!" Julie, the head of the gossip column in our school's newsletter, called out.

"Oh hey Julie, what is it?" I asked, standing on my tip toes and scanning the corridor. Yes, fashionably late is cool but detention is a no-no. "My team just picked up on the hottest gossip yet!"

Fiddling with my watch I uttered "oh really? That's nice; I really gotta go now, Julie…"

"Oh! I'm sorry, I'll make it quick!" Ugh I hate her persistence.

"Alright, put me in the picture," I muttered

"There's this new family in town!" whispered Julie with fascination.

"That’s it?" I was pretty irritated and rolled my eyes, trying to get past Julies tall figure.

"Oh that’s not the best part! Apparently they've got a boy in our class and he's been enrolled here and Rachael glimpsed at him…" Julie placed a hand on her forehead and imitated a faint.

That got the juices out of that scandal but I seriously had no more time to waste; pushing Julie aside I dashed swiftly to catch up with the clique, looked back and blew Julie a kiss. I didn’t want to be losing admirers and Julie is a bonus point, after all she does get me gossip.  Reapplying another coat of lip gloss, shoulders back and head held high, I entered the Geometry session and flashed a smile, which should’ve been put up on a toothpaste ad, at the class. I rested my books perfectly on the desk and slipped on the chair aware of the attentive stares I was getting, I was pretty used to that, being the lead cheerleader and all.

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