Chapter II - Eyas

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Everyone's eyes were glued on me. It wasn't something strange to be honest, I didn't feel awkward or embarrassed, since I'd do the same if anyone new shows up back home. Except, I wouldn't only stare, I'd actually offer assistance.

 Speaking of which, where can one get any help around here? Why doesn't anybody ever offer the...

 "Hey there! Doyouneedhelpgettingaroundschool?"

 That was out of the blue. My thoughts were abruptly interrupted by a girl with crimson red highlights. She seemed sweet.

"No thanks" I politely replied, but truly my eyes were focusing on her friend, the beauty standing by her. I walked away pulling over my hoodie and placing a hand in my pocket.

What the heck? What was I thinking? I desperately needed help. It was probably that attractive girl that tensed things up. I was just acting stupid.

Stopping in my tracks and turning around, I paced back towards the girl and admitted "Well, you'd do me a great favor telling me where the book store is." I smiled trying to seem friendly.

She appeared shocked as if she didn't expect me to hurry back to her, "O.M.G like duh! I'll take you there!"

"Oh no you don't have to! Just tell me where to go" but she shook her head and persisted to come with me shoving me into a corridor to the right.

"I'm Stephanie B.T.W" She said, obviously trying to get a conversation going,

"But you can call me Steph." Her eyes twinkled as she flashed a smile towards me.

I grinned.

"So? Did you make any new friends, like I saw you during lunch sitting alone on the staircase; I wanted to call you over but..."

Wow, its impressive how fast she can talk! I was barely catching up with what she was saying. My thoughts wandered away, we were turning around corridors and hallways that all looked identical. How will I ever memorize the way?

"You like totally look like a Mediterranean!" She exclaimed, batting her eyelashes.

I looked down at her and nodded, "That's right"

"Yeah, that's interesting," she winked and continued, "So is your accent"

I laughed. "As long as you're able to understand it."

"Don't worry about that, I'd be able to understand anything you say."

She suddenly stopped and announced, "There we are, the bookstore!"

I grinned and thanked her, making my way inside.

As I handed the librarian the list of my course books, she looked up at me and studied my expression, scanning me from top to bottom, "Eyas! Darling! How're doin'?!"

"Err, I'm fine thank you" I took a step back but it was then when I realized that was my Aunt's next door neighbor. Small town...

"How's your Aunt? Is she doing fine?"

"Yeah, she's good, busy with work." I replied

"Oh that reminds me! Send her word that I'll bring Sophie over this afternoon" she flashed at me and I smiled, nodding. My Aunt was known for being the most skillful vet in the area, not just that, she's charming and extremely supportive. She did nevertheless, save me from the hell I was in, and gave me a real home, she protected me.

The librarian buried herself into the back of the store and came back with a mountain of books. She was having troubles keeping herself stable so I hurried behind her and clenched most of them, placing them on the table.

After checking out, I was alarmed to realize that Stephanie was still outside waiting for me.

"You didn't have to wait for me." I managed to say over the pile of books I was carrying.

"O.M.G let me help you!"

"No-no... I'm fine" But she was already standing on her tip-toes, trying to get a few of the ones on the top, which she did.

"Thanks, but you really didn't have to..." I was interrupted by the shaking of her head as she jogged a few steps ahead of me.

We continued our short trip back, around the maze of corridors and hallways when I notice that beauty, who was standing by Stephanie when I first met her. She was stationed by the corner of the hallway and had a blank expression drawn across her face.

"Stephanie! What do you think you're doing? Where have you been?" She asked sharply, glaring at the girl standing by me. Her voice seemed deadly calm.

"How many times are you going to try? Selling yourself cheap this way? I mean come on! You barely know him and you're already trying to flatter him?" The girl was now wearing an evil smirk of triumph.

Ok, Woah! Where'd that come from? I glanced at Stephanie and her eyes were turning puffy red. She looked as though she just ate a fly.

"Obviously, I shouldn't have expected anything better from you. It's already clear how shameful you are. Geez, you disgust me!"

Stephanie was now holding back tears that were rioting her orders and forcefully falling down her cheeks.

" wasn't..."

"Shh, not a word. I don't want to hear any more excuses. I already gave you several chances but you just can't keep your hands to yourself now can you? You know, brains aren't everything, but in your case, they're nothing."

And well, that was rude. It set the alarm off in my head but I kept calm. I didn't want to be interfering in between people and their drama on my first day of school. Taking my books away from Stephanie, I whispered in her ear,

"Thanks for everything Steph, see you tomorrow"

And walked away.

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