Chapter 12 (The Discoveries)

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Belated Happy Halloween, Dudes and Dudettes!!

I'm really happy for your reviews please continue to give me reviews.

It keeps writers to continue their stories!!!

Enjoy the Chapter!!

Also I don't own any of the characters in the story except my OCs.

I don't own KHR, DC and MK.



(Kaito/KID's Mind)

Leaning against the door to keep it closed, KID closes his eyes and opens them to his room, a starry sky all around him.

Walking over to the portrait of himself, he pushes the right side, and when it stops at an image of a boy in casual clothes, he walks through. And straight through his alter ego. Silly Kaito he was straight in front of you this whole time. Shaking his head he takes a half a step back, and shows Kaito the corridor, and the door to Conan's room.

"Oh, that was a little silly of me. But now they know that we are missing, and they'll start looking for us." States Kaito. 'Well that's your problem. Come on turn around. I really need to go to sleep now.'Kid replies.

Ignoring the arrogant tone of his other self, I turn around, and accepts the falling thief into his arms. "Now let real life begin" whispers Kaito.


(Kaito's P.O.V.)

Opening my eyes, I see that I am in a room just like the one I woke up in. There, on the bed I see the ove I have been looking for. Walking without making any noise as usual, I went up to the bed, and brushed the hair away from Conan's face. 

But he's not really Conan. He's Shinichi. That answers so many questions. Those knowing eyes, those eyes that have seen too much, those eyes that make expressions no child would make, they belong to Shinichi. That adult way of speaking, that knowledge that only an adult would know, that brain, just as fast as my own, all belongs to Shinichi. Oh, I'm so glad he's safe.


Carefully removing the mask and the wig, Kaito stashes them away in their places, before sitting down on the side of Conan's bed. He observes the boy, checking to see if he's really alright. His breathing is normal, there is no temperature, his face is slightly pale, but that's to be expected, he did get shot by a gun after all.

Wondering about the wound Kaito lifts the boy up, sits himself against the headboard of the bed, and places Conan on his lap. One arm propping up the kids back, the other lifts the collar of Conan's shirt, and looks at his shoulder. And blinks. And blinks again. Rubbing his hand across his eyes, Kaito takes another look.

Yes, his eyes are not deceiving him, the wound really has disappeared. All that's left is a small scar that looks years old. Bringing the chibi in close, Kaito hugs him, relief flooding him. But he squeezes a little too hard, if an indignant squeak has anything to say. Immediately releasing his hold, Kaito pulls back and stares into the sapphire blue eyes of Edogawa Conan , one shrunken Kudo Shinichi.

"Shin-chan, I'm so glad you are okay" whispers Kaito, hugging him again.

"well I won't be if you keep hugging all of the air out of me." Comes the muffled reply. Loosening his hold, but not letting go, Kaito rests his head on Conan's shoulder.

Tantei, Kaitou, and Mafia (Crossover Katekyo Hitman Reborn & Detective Conan)Where stories live. Discover now