Chapter 3 - Anniversary

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Teardrops hit the phone screen in Gwen's hand as she sat on the bench in the park, eyes staring at the screen.

Hey, sorry. I can't make it today. Band practice. But we can have a date next week!
Trent xx

She grit her teeth in frustration. Maybe he didn't realise. But it was their two year anniversary together. And he was skipping out on it for band practice? They hadn't gone on a date in weeks and big plans were made. A picnic basket lay on the bench next to the young goth.
Normally, she wouldn't do anything like that but today was a special day and she decided to do something special. Gwen sighed, and rubbed at her eyes, careful to avoid her eyeliner which was surprisingly untouched by her tears. A hand touched her shoulder and she jolted before turning, hoping it was Trent so she could punch him. Instead, it was Mike. Did he have some kind of sixth sense that told him when she was distressed or something? His smile shrunk into a frown once he noticed her tears.
"Hey, what's wrong?" He questioned. Gwen turned away and clenched her fists, vision blurred by tears of frustration.
"Trent." She grumbled with a cracked voice. "It's our two year anniversary and I went out of my way to do something I normally wouldn't do. I worked so hard on this picnic and now he's too busy doing band practice!" She ranted as she held back the waterworks. "He hasn't gone on a date with me in weeks and when our anniversary comes around, he ditches that too!"
"He doesn't deserve you. He's been going to his band more than ever." Mike stated with a bitter tone. He shifted and moved the basket to the ground and sat by her. Gwen turned and pulled him into a hug, hiding her face against his shoulder. She heaved a heavy breath, soaking his shirt slightly. Mike wrapped an arm around her shoulders.
"It's just... he's so frustrating! I can't believe him!" Gwen mumbled.
"I know, I know," Mike rubbed her back comfortingly. "But he's missing out. You're brilliant, especially for coming out of your comfort zone. And how many times has he done that for you?" He looked down at her and she went silent. She lifted her head, eyeliner smudged and eyes red and puffy.
"None. He's never come out of his comfort zone for me." She mused quietly with mild surprise. "Actually, I've always initiated the dates. The only thing he did was ask me out. Maybe he's really not interested. Maybe he's just dating me to get a kick out of not being single." Gwen frowned deeply at this, her shoulders sagging.
"No, don't say that. How about this? We hang out for the day and I'll try and get your mind off of Trent. Okay?" Mike sent her a pleading look. Gwen rolled her eyes and wiped the black smudges under them until she looked decent.
"All right. Sounds like a plan." She sniffed slightly and looked at the basket. "No sense in letting this food go to waste." Her fingers wrapped around the handle of the basket and she slightly stumbled to her feet. Mike leapt to his feet and helped steady her until she pulled back. The goth girl grabbed ahold of his hand. "Come on," She smiled warmly at him. "The picnic benches will be more comfortable than that." Gwen hauled Mike towards their destination and laid a blanket over the table before setting the different foods out. The two sat across from each other and dug in. Mike took a note of a sandwich and quietly let out an appreciative hum, delighted at the flavours dancing on his tongue. Gwen stared at him for a bit and let out a quiet laugh. This caused her best friend to perk up and stare at her oddly.
"What?" He asked, squinting his eyes in playful suspicion. Gwen shook her head lightly, smiling.
"It's just that... you're always there for me. To support me. It's like you know when I'm in trouble or something. Thank you." Gwen's head ducked down and she looked at the table. Mike smiled softly at that.

"Heads up!" Gwen called, tossing the frisbee towards the tall teenage male. He caught it in his hand and threw it back. Gwen took a couple of steps back and caught the object. After lunch, Mike had somehow persuaded Gwen to play frisbee out in the park. Normally, she would have gone to find a dark place to hang out but this time things were changed.
Gwen threw the frisbee only to throw it a bit too hard and let it land in the tree far up. She held a hand over her mouth.
"Oops." Gwen mumbled. Mike let out a gasp and feminine features formed on his face.
"Thees looks like a job for Svetlana!" The sporty personality declared and did a series of complicated flips and manoeuvres to get to the branch. She stopped and grabbed the object, holding it up for Gwen to see. "I have it!" The female personality felt her cheeks grow a bit warm at the laugh escaping past Gwen's lips. She hopped down but didn't notice her shirt get snagged on a branch until it was too late. Gwen facepalmed as a familiar cocky facial expression met her vision. The rest of the shirt was torn away and he stalked over with an air of overconfidence surrounding his aura.
"Ey, beautiful," Vito sent her a wink, sliding up next to her. "'Ow's about you an' me do a lil more hangin' out, if you know what I mean." He wiggled is eyebrows. This made Gwen snort.
"Vito, you know I'm not single. And besides, Mike wouldn't appreciate you flirting with his best friend." She stated, trying not to laugh. Vito wrapped an arm around her shoulder and Gwen's hand inched to the side.
"Aw, come on, hot stuff! You know you want to." He pestered on. Gwen's fingers grabbed the fabric of her jumper and she quickly shoved it on his body in a flash, making Vito gasp and Mike return to normal. He looked around in confusion.
Gwen fell to the ground in a fit of laughter.

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