constituent 3

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grass petals on the ground
a stale energy in the wind

a lot of times I feel where my feet are and it makes me feel a little more connected
(or whatever)
there's always this long cord connecting me downwards and upwards
to the dirt and to the stars
but overtime the cord can get really worn when you forget that
you are part of the sky and part of the soil
the cord gets worn down until it wraps around and around your head constricting you from wanting to believe anything beyond the head!
I think that's what a lot of us feel like
trapped in our heads
trapped in our bodies
                                                          trapped in fear
we forget our infinite existence and overtime focus in to such a degree that anything beyond the 'comforts' of our stationary self begin to fall away
something pretty neat about this cord
is that it has the capacity to mend together and heal
the cord is an extension of yourself
there is always room for betterment
everyone on planet earth has this possibility!
a possibility for health in all aspects of being.
connection with a divine force
(not very separate from yourself)
connection with the physical constructions of this life
(you are its embodiment!!)
that's why I think of sand a lot
                let's pretend we are a grain of sand
sure, there must be millions of sand particles on a beach but you are one of them!
and if every sand particle went around life thinking their importance was null
then there would be no sand
there would be no beach
isn't that cheesy!
you are a part in the whole.
and without your very part,
the whole would cease to exist.
and to me, that is true beauty.
life fills with anger, greed, envy and restlessness if we allow this connection and realization to drift away from us.
life is not meaningless
listen to life itself inside of you
spend more moments alone with yourself
with your mind
your body
your spirit
spend some time with this connection.
you are not powerless in the face of a god,
you are god.
when you put all your belief into a being beyond yourself
when you attach yourself to a certain set of belief systems
there is no room for change
because change isn't something
completely external
change is only change when it registers within a form of something being able to
observe and perceive it
change is within.
that is where faith lacks in some departments
give yourself and your abilities more credit!
you are powerful in the most serene of ways.
be mindful
breathe a little bit deeper
feel a little bit more
and your cord will grow taught again
and you will epitomize you

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