Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

A Few Weeks Later


I paced the bathroom waiting for my phone to go off, what am I supposed to do if it’s positive? I can’t tell Dad he’ll flip shit. I can’t tell Katy because she’ll laugh and accuse me of playing a prank. And I can’t tell him because he’ll deny everything about it. What the hell am I supposed to do? I groaned at my racing thoughts, and took a deep breath. Don’t I have to go to appointments to make sure it’s okay? How am I supposed to go to those if I can’t tell anyone? What did I get myself into? He told me nothing will happen, that we were just having fun. Fun my ass; look where his fun got me now. Pacing the bathroom waiting to figure out if I’m carrying a mini person in me, I’m going to kill him. And then I’m going to make sure he can’t have any more children! Don’t need any more clones of him walking around. I heard my phone’s distinctive ringer go off; I grabbed it and silenced it. I closed my eyes as I stared down at the counter, preparing for what the little white stick would say.  I’ll open my eyes and it will show a negative smiley face. I opened my left eye, and made out a happy pink smiley face. I grabbed the stick; both eyes open now, and stared at it. This is impossible, how could this happen? I mean I know how this happen and trust me I regret it ever since I woke up. But, why, why do I have to be 16 and pregnant?

I threw the cursed stick away and made sure no one would find either the stick or box.  I tugged on my heart necklace. That would explain why I gained five pounds in the last few weeks, why I crave random things, and why I tend to get sick in the morning. Also, why I haven’t had my period yet and I was supposed to have it a week ago. I guess I have my answer now. Wow, what am I going to do? I felt tears begin to rise, I tried to hold them back, but they came flooding out. I wiped the tears away and ran to my bedroom. Opening the door, I turned to the mirror and examined myself through the tears. I don’t look like I’m carrying a baby; I look like I’ve gained a little weight. I pulled my shirt up to reveal my flat stomach. I poked it, there is no way there’s a baby in there.  I gently placed my shirt back down and stared into the mirror. My long, wavy dark brown hair, sometimes black depending on the light, and my chocolate brown eyes were rimmed with a slim black line of eyeliner and were shadowed with natural colors. I smiled and tried to lay my hands on my stomach like I had a baby bump. I can’t even in vision myself pregnant! Why did I trust him?

“Hey, Hales,” Dad called from the stairs, I wiped my tears away and took a deep breath. I can do this. I walked out of my room, and meet him at the bottom. I smiled at him, he looked nothing like me, and I took after my mom in every way. The only thing I got from my dad was his eyes, and even then he said they remind him of my mom’s eyes.

“Yeah,” I answered, I wonder if he can tell. Can you tell when someone’s pregnant? My nerves were sent skyward as I waited for him to scream at me for being a stereotype. 

“Katy, wanted to know if you wanted to go to Zack’s to pick up Blake?” he asked me carefully knowing I’d want nothing to do with Blake. I glared at him, but the thought of Zack caused my stomach to erupt into butterflies. Just imagining him in my mind smiling down at me makes me melt. Zack had short brown hair, and it had some layers in it. The top layer blended in with the bottom layer that made his blue eyes pop. He was pretty tall; well he’s taller than me. He always wears his work boots, with some type of jeans. He drives a silver Dodge Ram, I only know this because he constantly reminds me. Zack is in two of my classes’ gym and Spanish 2. Without him I’d be failing gym, he always covers for me. Just thinking about him makes my stomach flutter, and makes me want to blush. Only problem with my little crush, he’s a senior and I’m a sophomore that’s pregnant with his best friend’s baby.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2011 ⏰

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