Chapter 3: Stupid And Bouncy

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“Wow,” Faith softly said as she looked around. “This is like a fangirl’s dream.” The entire back deck of the lodge was filled with One Direction memorabilia. It looked like a tween girl’s bedroom. “They do realize this is a wedding right?” Josh did his best not to laugh at her reaction. He thought she would have been thrilled to see all of this.

“Oh, they know,” Josh snickered. “All of this belongs to Gio. I told you she was a fan.”

“We always talk about it on the message boards, but I never realized.”

“Never realized what?” Gio asked appearing as if they conjured her up with their little discussion.

“J—just how much you love Harry?” Faith stuttered out trying to cover for herself.

“Oh,” Gio replied. “Considering you are the girl Josh apparently snuck into here as his date I figured you were both grumbling about how much of a loser fangirl I am.” Faith turned a shocked look at Josh who suddenly felt guilty. Had he really been that awful to his friends and their loved ones? Had he really been that judgmental?

“Josh admires you so much,” Faith quickly replied after reading his face. “You are a friend that means so much to him. He just has a hard time with all the crazy love stories. I think he’s jealous that he hasn’t fallen in love in some crazy way.”

“That’s not it at all,” Josh weakly protested. The women ignored him though continuing on with their conversation like they were old friends. He alternated between wanting to protest and thank Faith for her words.

“So let’s all start the games!” Gio told Faith who giggled.

“Stop encouraging her,” Josh mumbled to Faith. Since when did they become best friends.

“We are going to play games!” Faith smiled. “I love games. Plus they are all One Direction themed so I am totally going to win.”

“Not if I win first,” Gio protested. “I know everything about One Direction.”

“Not as much as I know,” Faith shot back. “I am the queen of One Direction. The only one who is better than me is Gigis1D. She taught me everything I know.” Faith was shocked when Giovanna crossed her arms over her chest and leaned back triumphantly. “You’re Gigis1D aren’t you?”

“I sure am,” Gio proudly proclaimed. “You must be Faithin1D. It’s so great to finally meet you!”

“No fair!” Clara called out. “Josh brought a ringer!”

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