Heart of death

16 1 0

I feel like this picture needs something in the background...roses?, graves? Bodies?
I got this Japanese dictionary app so I could find the characters for the words I wanted.
I dunno....I just really like the way it looks. I will be studying Japanese at my school soon(yeah!!!:):)) <*]]]]=<
I already know some simple stuff like: may I please have sushi? -sushi o kudasai
And "nansai desu ka" which means "what is your name?" The other person would answer with for example "Soskei desu" meaning "I'm Soskei" and remember children, never say the 'u' when saying desu. Wait... Why am I giving you a Japanese lesson now? I'm sorry. Anyway, back to the picture.... The idea is to not kill people. This world is full of shit and violence and people shitting out violence and chucking it at others. It is so completely wrong and it makes me cry.
Like literally, I was in the car and I heard about those men who broke into a school and shot heaps of kids. What the fuck (pardon me) where those men thinking of? That they'd just get up again afterwards and say "hey! I'm ok but you get 500 xp!" THIS IS NOT A GAME. This was life and they all died. And their families where torn apart with grief.

The horror of it all...

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