Brother of mine

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Your Pov
Although i was ciel's personal maid he and Sebastian left for the arty ahead of of the other servants and I. "oh (f/n), you look beautiful, yes you do" Mey-rin grins pulling me into a tight hug once she had given me a quick once over. "Right back at you Mey" i chuckle linking my arm through hers as we catch up to Finny, Tanaka and Bard who had already begun making their way into the Trancy manor. "Wow this place sure is something" i awe watching as many people clad in costume gracefully dance their way across the floor. 

"Don't look now (f/n), but i think you've caught that earls fancy" Bard snickers nodding his head in the direction of a blonde boy dressed as what i assume is a vampire. "He looks rather familiar" i murmur fully taking in his appearance, until it hit me. "Excuse me" i quickly murmur to the others before walking over to the male. "Hello miss, I'm Alois Trancy" he cheerfully grins. I guess he isn't my Jim "i-i'm sorry to bother you it's just you look so much like my little brother Jim" i sigh giving a sad smile. The blonde seems to tense for a moment before focusing his blue eyes on me with a flicker of hope? 

"(f/n)?" he all but whispers out watching my reaction intently. "How did you-" i begin to ask only to be cut off as he grabs my wrist  "Come with me" he urgently orders pulling me into an empty room. "(f/n) Macken" he murmurs standing infront of me. I nod following his movements till he stood infront of me. "It's been a few years hasn't it, sister" he grins. "J-Jim, its actually you" i stutter searching his eyes for a trace of any lies since we stood eye to eye only to find pure happiness. "Of course it's me, i must say you spotted e before i spotted you" he giggled pulling me tightly against his chest. "My little Jim, i actually found you" i managed to mutter out before braking down. "I thought i had lost you and Luka forever" i whimper burying my face into his shoulder releasing a new flood of tears. "Actually thats why i'm now Alois Trancy" he bitterly mutters pulling me to sit on the bed beside him. We spent a good half an hour in that room most of it was spent crying as Alois explained what had happened to my dear little Luka and how he sold him self to a demon.

"But now that i found you, you will come live with me won't you, I don't want to be alone anymore" He whimpers grasping my arm tightly. "I would but i can't just abandon my young master Phantomhive" i sigh. "Their deceiving you sister" He seethes  removing his grip only to stand infront of me to grasp my chin. "You see sister that boy Ciel, his butler is the very demon that stripped Luka of his soul. He's the reason why i made a contracted with Claude. Once my revenge on Sebastian is complete, I too will lose my soul"

"At any given moment i could lose my soul" he shrugs. Who knows how much time i will have left with my brother. "I will move in with you" i state, grasping his hand tight in mine. "Really" he grins causing his eyes to instantly light up. "Well i guess i should introduce you as my sister to everyone" he cheers dragging me off before i could protest. 

"EVERYONE, if i could please have your attention" he politely smiles with his hand still laced in mine. "I would like to announce that my sister (f/n) Trancy has finally returned" Numerous whispers rung throughout the room while the Phantomhive staff stared at me in disbelief. "Now i know there hasn't been any mention of my sister but the truth is before i was born father was not a faithful man towards my mother, which is how my dear elder sister came into being. She refused to burden my mother with my fathers betrayal so she kept away from our family but i always knew of her existence and had been keeping tabs on her since i returned. So i'm more than happy to say my sister has finally come home" he grins causing the audience to applaud.

Alois walked off saying he need to get Claude to prepare my room "(F/N) you never told us you were a noble" finny gasps randomly appearing at my side. "Like Alois said i didn't want to be a burden" i sadly sigh. It's gonna take a while to adjust to calling Jim, Alois. Not to mention lying to everyone. "I take it you will be moving out of the manor then, lady (f/n)" Ciel sadly sighs. "It seems so" i murmur.

Little Miss Trancy (Sebastian x Reader) -DISCONTINUED-Where stories live. Discover now