Chapter 1

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WELCOME BACK! This is the new and improved Dear Alpha Series. Thank you to everyone that gives this book a shot, votes and comments <3 I appreciate you ALL!

WACK! My fathers cold hand fell onto my face and the burning sensation started. At least this one wouldn't break my skin like it has the last couple of times. "Alright you little b*tch! Do you get what I mean now when I say I don't want you here tonight? Don't come home home until eight o'clock at night when I have friends over!" My father said with his intoxicated breath. You could smell the rotting of his insides through every word he spat at me. His friends laughed with some bimbo looking woman and walked into the 'Man cave' which used to be the living room. The only thing man about that "cave" was its stench of body oder as I swear none of them have had showers in months.
"But you didn't..." I was about to finish my sentence when my father pushed me sending me backwards, my head pounded and throbbed as I felt bits of wall crumble around me. "Get out!" My father snarled at me grabbing my arm and throwing me out the door.

I landed on my butt and looked up to see the door slamming shut behind me. My head throbbed and my vision was blurry. I put my hand on the back of my head giving it a light rub, the throbbing increased and I quickly moved my hand away. It was only four o'clock, I had just finished my last class of the day at Maverick University and had headed home early hoping, that I could sneak into my room before my Father arrived back from the Mines. All the supernatural creatures with shit parents but good grades in end up at Maverick Uni. Like me. But I was seen as an outcast in this ridiculously small but over populated town. I had not bloomed into anything supernatural, I am plain. Boring at most, until someone tries their luck with me. Even though I have had no supernatural help so far on my side, my fathers ass whooping surely helps a lot in this situation. So people tend to ignore me or let me be, I wasn't worth wasting any of their precious time. The only people that seemed remotely okay with my existence were my professors. As long as I passed and was quiet they paid me no mind, which I had gotten very used to.

I started to climb the house to get to my room. I jumped into my window and like I was on autopilot I started packing my bags because we were moving houses tomorrow. Completely ignoring my sore body, I was used to it, I don't know when the last time I didn't have a bruise, cut or sore limbs. My father was someone who was very lost in life. After my mother passed away it was like all the kindness and care he once had for his family disappeared. I missed my Mother, I missed the man my father used to be but, I knew better than anyone he wasn't coming back.

My father had been offered a job in a Werewolf Pack House on security. I don't know how or when he got offered or, even meet someone to offer him that position. But at least I wouldn't have the house covered in mine dust and dirt. Everything was would be covered in black muck when he would get home from work. Would take me hours trying to find every spot in the house. I presumed we would stay in the houses to the side of the Pack House or even in the house, I'm not sure. I honestly just wanted to finish the rest of my study and leave, I was lucky enough to get the rest of Uni online, otherwise I wouldn't pass the rest of my papers.

However to this lovely Pack House story I was so enthusiastically talking to myself about, there was a catch. Mark, like my father, a hybrid of both Vampire and Werewolf. Had told my father about the loose rules in this new District we were moving too. How the prices were very low when it came to feeding on humans or other supernatural creatures. I had no problem eating food, I did not need to feed on anyone which I was grateful for because the stories I have overheard from classes back in school were terrifying. Humans would get addicted to the venom that vampires have flowing from their teeth. Every bite was one step closer to loosing your whole life and never gaining any of it back. Families had been torn apart, Brothers dead or Sisters trafficked for blood. Mothers and Fathers loosing their sons, daughters, parents or even loosing themselves. I shook my head, that defiantly woke me out of autopilot.

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