Chapter 2

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I woke up the next morning at six-thirty hoping, that I could avoid my father as much as possible, of course I loved our interactions. That was a joke, a dark one, which I probably shouldn't joke about but it was normal for me, I believed in a way it made me stronger. It probably sounds ridiculous but when you're surrounded by beings with strength and speed I needed the shoves and pain to make me alert and to remind me how much weaker I was to them. 

I went to the bathroom, noticing how many empty blood bags there were scattered everywhere. I bet Mark had been over and by the writing on the empty bags it wasn't just normal blood. It was Nephilim blood, I didn't want to know or ask where he got such large quantities from, especially because of how rare Nephilim were. The Blood Queen had hunted them down in her last reign due to their abnormal strength. It was like ecstasy to a vampire or hybrid, the effects weren't long but it did give them incredible strength for a couple of hours if, taken in majority. But such large quantities would give them a high, it was like heaps of the human hormone dopamine packed into a small blood bag. But like any drug it was addictive and could send any vampire or hybrid into a decline.

I quickly picked them up irritated that this was an extra thing to do on top of everything else, I was on a tight schedule and I wanted to be ready to go when it was time to leave. I wouldn't miss this house, the only house I miss is the family home I grew up in. Before my father moved us away. I guess it was too hard for him to be around and I hated him of taking me away from the last thing I had of my mother. I was pulling my hair up out of my face when I heard someone coming up the stairs, I knew it would be my dad. Pulling a loose strand of black curly hair behind my ear when he entered the bathroom. "Sorry." He murmured, walking back out of the bathroom in his shameful state. I had his hair, I guessed I looked too much like him and not enough of my mother. The only thing I had of hers were my eyes, light green with specs of gold, my eyes were bigger than the average pair of eyes, like hers were. I quickly finished in the bathroom knowing he'd be waiting to use it, grabbing the last bits and pieces that needed to be packed away. 

Luckily there wasn't much left to do and I knew we would grab something to eat on the road. Packing the last things into the back of the truck, my father walks out looking a lot less shameful. "Ready to go kid?" I nodded, calling me a kid was a low blow seeming I was almost twenty-two but I guess that's what happens when your an absent father, you loose track of time. Athens was a good four hours away so the car ride was filled with small chat, road rage from my dad and the same five songs he would play on repeat. He would never play anything else in his own company and unfortunately I was there majority of the time. I could sing all of the songs backwards, I knew them so well and four hours of the same music on shuffle was driving me nuts. I started singing the words backwards in my head, seeing if I was able to spell them out at the same time. It turned into quite an entertaining game for me and the time past quickly.

We stopped over half way to get something to eat, dad sent me in with a list of food he was craving from his come downs or hangover, most likely both of them. It was a small bakery with dusty cream walls and a blue writing. The signs said outside it was the best bakery of the year and I was hoping it was, otherwise, that would be another thing I would have to listen too on the way to Athens. When I had gotten inside it was filled with glass cabinets stacked with all sorts of treats and savouries. I had my list and knew what I was after so I spent no time looking around, food would distract me. I paid the old lady at the register before grabbing the paper bags with food in them and headed out towards the truck, when I got there I noticed my father wasn't present. Assuming he went to the loo, I started placing my dads food inside the truck on the middle seat. A loud car pulled up beside me making squish closer to the truck door, when they got out of the car I could feel them staring at me. "Taking a picture would last longer and I don't mind posing-" I stopped mid sentence staring at two very familiar eyes. "Nadia?" Leo said with his mouth hanging open. I stood in shock, forgetting how to speak. "You are to speak when spoken to." A large man appeared beside me folding his arms which only gave me a fright and I dropped my food on the ground.

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