Chapter 3- Million Words

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I suddenly heard the doorbell ring. Quickly I realised that Brad probably couldn't hear it from the basement, so I hurried downstairs. I started to get excited. I really liked these boys! Ever since Brad told me about them, I got addicted to their covers. I pulled open the door to be greeted by three, fairly tall, highly attractive guys. "Hey we're New-" I interrupted the shorter blonde one. "Trust me, I know who you are!" They all chuckled in unison. "You must be Brad's sister?" The Dark haired one asked. "Jess" I informed them. "Come in and I'll show you to the studio" I directed them downstairs towards the basement. I ran back to the door as I heard it open. Evie was stood in the hall, holding hands with a very grumpy looking Joseph. I ran over to them and hugged them both.

"Hey Jess, hey Eve!" I heard Connors voice behind us. I spun round to see him walking out of the kitchen with a tray of drinks. He placed them on the table and rushed over to hug me. He pulled away and looked me up and down. "Let me guess... Nice Jumper Jess?" I chuckled as I impersonated his voice. "Nah I was gonna say you're getting taller, but that to!" We all chuckled. "You joining us downstairs?" He asked. "Sure!" We beamed in union. Con stood and waited for us whilst we took Joseph into the living room and put on some TV for him and got out some toys.

We followed Connor down into the basement and took seats on two bean bags. "There she is!" Janes explained whilst smiling at me. "What took you so long?" He asked. I gave a confused look. "I didn't think you would want us down here?"
"We figured you would be pissed off with Brad if he didn't let you meet your favourite band" They all giggled. "Shut up Tris" My cheeks flushed red. Okay okay, I admit it. I was really into this band. They were hot, could sing, were hot, funny and were hot! Oh and they were hot.

The conversation quickly changed as Brad started talking about music. Me and Evie kind of zoned out when he started talking about guitar notes and tuning. We just sat on our phones, occasionally responding to Brad when he asked our advice on the music. It sounded pretty good actually. "Break for 15 and then back to recording!" The sound of Brad's voice made me jump as I wasn't paying attention. We stood up to let the others go past us and up the stairs.

"Drink?" I asked Evie as we made our way into the kitchen. Brad was sat at the breakfast bar with Reece and George. I looked out of the window to see Con,Tris and James all stood talking in the back garden. "Smoothie please!" Evie responded. I went over to the fruit bowl and collected a banana, an apple and a few berries, before throwing them all into the blender and pouring the drinks. "I'm just going to check on Joseph" Evie informed me and she picked up her glass. I nodded in approval as I followed her into the living room.

We both froze in disbelief as we entered the room. Blake was sat on the floor holding a toy car and laughing. In Front of him sat Joseph, who was giggling and clapping his hands. "Oh, sorry! I was looking for the bathroom and I came across this little cutie" Blake blushed and giggled awkwardly as he stood up and brushed off his jeans. "It's fine! He's a big New Hope Club fan" Georgia chuckled. "Aw well that's good to know!" Blake gave a friendly smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2016 ⏰

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