Chapter One

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    My name is Jayden.  I was at the top of my class in the Angel Academy. My power? Controlling fire and darkness. Let's start where my disappointment started. I was getting ready for my next class.  I was a sixth year Seraphim. Let's see where it all began.

    I pull out my books for Power Control. This was taught by my favorite Archangel, Michael. He always looked out for me. I usually ran to him for advice when a girl bullied me for the way my wings were turning out or for accidentally torching my Angel History homework. He was like my rock. He kept me tethered to my sanity from burning down the whole school. "Good morning, Michael. How are you this fine morning?" I ask. 

   "I'm doing well, thank you. And you, Jay? I see that there is no smell of gasoline that your roommate put in your shampoo this morning," he responds. 

    "Yeah. They seemed to have settled down after a night of partying. I'm just glad that there were no catfights that took place in my room at midnight, like they usually do when there is a party," I say.  I go pick out my seat in the very back. He doesn't mind me hiding. Michael knows that I pay attention and he's seen my notebook. It's full of notes for this class. This class is the most important to me as it helps me control my power that likes to come out whenever it wants. 

   "Hey, Jay? Can you please pay extra attention today? I'm talking about pyrokinesis and its affect on the person who has it. I wrote the lesson for you. You are the only one that I know of that has this power but we did just get new Seraphim yesterday," Michael says.

    "Thank you so much, Michael. I will pay extra attention today and take lots of notes," I say. I was a nerd but it wasn't my fault. I had one goal. That was to make it to the rank of archangel. I didn't work as hard as I did to be told that I wasn't good enough. That didn't make Michael come to my aid and tell the Headmaster that I wasn't like Lucifer. Oh, I must have forgotten to mention that. I was the only one with powers like Lucifer. I am his daughter after all. Let's get back to the story. My lineage doesn't matter at the moment. 

    When the messenger came in to tell Michael that I needed to report to the Headmaster's office to discuss important matters that dealt with my schooling, I was dutifully taking notes in my seat in the back of the room. I was so focused on writing down what was on the board, that I didn't even know that Michael had stopped talking. He approached my desk as I continued to copy down the notes. "Jay, the Headmaster wants to see you. I don't know why but he just does. He wants you to be there right now," he says to me. 

    "Ok, Michael. I will see you when I am done there," I reply and shut my notebook. " Here is my notebook. This way no one will steal my notes from the book when they are panicking of a note check." I smile and walk out of the classroom. " Why am I getting called to the Headmaster's office, sir?" I ask the messenger. 

  "I am just the messenger. He did not give me the details for the meeting. You haven't done anything bad, have you?" he asks.

  "Not that I am aware of, no. It might be about last night and my roommates," I say. " That wouldn't be the first time that I've been called down to tell them what happened after a catfight between three drunk Seraphim," I tell the messenger.

   "I don't think that's it though. He said that it had something to do with your schooling? It's not my place to find out those kinds of things. I'm just curious," the messenger says.

   "I don't know why either. I guess I'll have to wait and see when I get in there," I say, smiling. We round the corner to the hallway that leads to the Headmaster's office. He opens the door to the little waiting room in front of the office. 

   "The Headmaster is busy with another student at the moment. He will be right with you in just a moment. He wishes that you take a seat in the chair outside his office," the secretary says, never looking up from her paperwork that she has sitting in front of her. " David, I have another message for you to run. Take this to Koral in room 268." David gets up and smiles at me. He walks out the door, off on another errand for the Headmaster. I sit quietly and stare at the pictures that they have set up in the office. There is a portrait of the Headmaster from when the Academy was first founded. It's hard to believe that it has been around for many millenia. There are also portraits of some of the most renowned alumni of the Academy.  I notice Lucifer, my father, there. It's sad to see that my father, who is now building an army down in Hell, is so renowned in the Academy. They don't know what happened to him. One day, he just disappeared and never came back to the Angelic World. 

   "Miss Jayden. I'm ready for you now," I hear the Headmaster say to me. I stand up and watch the student before me walk out of the waiting room. She turns around and I see that it is my ex-best friend, Arael. Ever since she found out that Lucifer is my father, she has had it out for my life to be destroyed. I walk into the office and sit down in the chair in front of the desk. "Do you know why you are here, Miss Jayden?"

   "No, Headmaster. I have no clue as to why you called me to your office," I say. I look down at my hands. 

   "I would like to speak with you about your powers and chances at becoming a Archangel. Your grades are phenomenal. I have one problem. You can not be allowed into the Angelic World due to your powers, wings, and lineage. The Council will not allow it. I have tried to plead your case with them. They are sticking firm to their decision to fail you. I can try to save you a position as a messenger for me," he tells me. His words hit me hard. I can't become an Archangel because of my heritage. This isn't fair. I can't believe this. My fucking father is the cause of me not becoming an Archangel! 

   "No, thank you, sir. I will just become a Fallen. It seems like my best option. I won't endanger the Angelic World down there. Thank you for informing me of this. It's better than finding out at my descension. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got class to attend," I say to the Headmaster. I walk out of the office and slowly walk back to Michael's class.  I walk into the classroom. All of the students look wide-eyed as I walk in. Little did I know, my anger had caused my second power to surface. I had pyrokinesis. I had just awoken my power of erebokinesis. I walk back to my seat and put my head down. I really needed to let off some steam but I couldn't until the end of the day, which was in thirty minutes. I had to brave it through the final minutes. I couldn't torch the entire school. That was against the rules. Boy, how I wish I did though. 

   I think that should be all for today.  Until next time.

A/N: Hey! Sorry, I haven't updated yet! I hope you enjoy the character of Jayden. Tell me what you guys think of the story so far. Thank you! Goodbye! - TrisandTobias1215

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2016 ⏰

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