Sweet Silver Lining..[Prologue]

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[A/N] Hey :D So this is just a little experiment I'm working on. I felt like the old version could use a little more work so I decided that I should rewrite the whole thing over again. However, If I receive enough comments demading I return it to it's old way I will do that too :D

Anyway  let me know what you think?

Old way or new way?





~When The Blood Dries In My Veins And My Heart Feels No More Pain, I Know I'll Be On My Way To Heavens Door.~


The bitter wind wound around me, weaving it's way through my mass of raven curls and sending the strands whipping around my face. It was a peaceful night, the streets were empty and the moon shone high in the navy blue sky above me. Silver light fell to the earth, illuminating even the darkest of alley ways. Normally I preferred complete darkness while I hunted, but tonight I would make and exception, tonight I couldn't afford to be picky.

Without looking at a watch or some other time telling instrument I knew it was nearing midnight, the perfect hour. Drunks would flow from the clubs in the area like cockroaches would crawl from the woodwork. I simply needed to pluck one from the crowd and the rest was a sure thing.

Over the years when I became restless of the same old scene I had began thinking of the hunt as a game of sorts. I had timed myself over the space of a month, how long, on average, it took the whole process. So far my best to beat was ten minutes. I intended to beat that score this night. When one lives forever one must find their own forms of entertainment and playing games was mine.

With over 140 years under my belt I was certain I was the oldest Vampire in the area, for the time anyway. However that wasn't enough to stop my ever expanding ego. I felt powerful and experienced, compared to the new borns wreaking havoc among the locals. It was quite fun to sit back and watch the chaos.

Scanning the area I was on high alert for my next meal, my senses were at their peak, awaiting for any trace of human activity.

Suddenly, like a bucket of ice water being thrown over my head, sensation hit me.

He was a bit further up the road but my heightened sense of smell could detect the stench of alcohol. Drunk and defenseless, just the way I like them.

10, 9, 8, 7, 6...

I began the countdown awaiting the moment when I would see his shadow appear in the mouth of the alley. 

5, 4, 3, 2..

Just as I had predicted a shadow etched across the damp ground. My senses now went into overdrive, my mind focused on one thing. The kill. 

Lunging forward I wrapped my arms around his neck and dragged him into the alley. Like a crazed serial killer I threw his intoxicated body to the ground and began circling my pray, like a lion I had one seen on animal planet, I inhaled deeply. He smelt divine. 


The man began. Did he really think pleading would work on me? Kneeling down on the damp gravel I hushed the stranger. My violet eyes locked onto his as I willed his muscles to relax and his breathing to slow down. I preferred my victims to be calm rather then hysterical. 

"Shh..You will be fine. I'm not going to harm you."

I cooed softly into the strangers ear. It took a second or two but the erratic pounding of his heart soon became slower and more even.

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