Chapter One- The Lab

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[A/N] HEEEYY !!! 

I've decided to continue with the second version of this now, I have so many ideas that just didn't fit in, in the old version. Needless to say I hope this is a better and easier version to follow. :D

To those of you who asked me to continue and are still interested in this story, I just wanna say thanks so much for your patients and really hope this chapter will satisfy you all. 

Send me a message and let me know what you think/want to happen in this newer version also what you think will happen next and I'll dedicate my next chappie to you :D

P.S!! Check out the video on the side, it is a frickin' amazing song :D It hasn't really got anything to do with the story though...:D

 P.P.S Thank you soooo much to Crazydaydreamer for my amazing new cover :D 





Chapter one.

Have you ever wondered what life is like through the eyes of another person? Have you ever wanted to be outside of yourself, seeing the things you do through the eyes of someone else? When you are at your lowest and your mind goes to the darkest of places, when the paranoia sets in and the  thoughts running through your mind are only serving to make you feel worse. What do you do? People always say it will get better, that life has a way of sorting it's self out, but what happens if it doesn't? 

So many unanswered questions and yet we have so little time to find the answers. Makes me wonder if it is all just a sick joke. If we are all just like ants in a farm and some greater power is a kid with a magnifying glass, slowly burning us until one day we give in and play dead. Or worse.

But, sometimes life gives you no other option, sometimes you have to lay down and play dead in order to survive. 


It was the smell that woke me. A mixture of bleach and unknown chemicals, so strong that the fumes were beginning to burn my nose. I so badly wanted to reach up and plug my nose but my hands were being held to the bed by leather straps, making it impossible for me to move. I tried my feet once more, If I could even get those free, I would have a smidgen of a hope of breaking out, but much like my hands the straps made it impossible. I had already tried to get free of course, I tried until the leather began cutting into my skin and left red angry marks behind.

I had no idea how long I had been in this room, but I did know that there was 82 white tiles on the ceiling and I'm guessing that is a bad sign. Everything was white and everything was clean and sterile, it made me wonder if it was an operating room, would I be the frog they were going to dissect? 

The more I was left laying there the more deranged my thoughts became, I even contemplated running my wrist along the leather until my hand just snapped right off. The more I thought the more irrational I became. The slow and steady beeping of the machines I was hooked up to soon became my lullaby, they let me know I was okay, that I was still apart of the world. 

Slowly I was becoming insane, whatever the IV in my arm was spilling into my blood stream it kept me weak and unable to escape. However for a few moments every couple hours, when the drugs had worn off slightly and the world was no longer blurring around the edges, I was lucid enough to realize exactly where I was. I grew to hate these moments. Just as I would be regaining my strength and a cunning plan was forming it's self in my head I would slip right back under the influence of what ever the dicks were injecting me with. 

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