chapter 8

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The helicopter swooped above the sparkling blue sea. Diana gasped as she had never experienced anything so thrilling before. Breathless she clutched the edge of the seat, peering out of the window she looked at the blue envelope beneath them.

"Does it cost a fortune to buy a ticket on this?" She asked absently, her gaze distracted by the blue wonder.

"Yes. Lucky me that I own it."

"Oh yes lucky you." She said dismissively.

"Are you enjoying yourself?"

"Very much. I always wondered how it would feel to be above the sea and gaze at the turquoise water flowing beneath."

"And you feel?" He asked.

"It feels surreal. Breathtaking." He nodded.

"So what is your dream?" She enquired wanting to know him inside out. Maybe she could get lucky to find the answers.

"I opened a hotel here. It is the biggest project I have invested into. Lot of hard work and persuasion helped me secure it." He huffed.

"Are we going to stay on the boat?"

"It's a yacht." He corrected with amusement shinning in his orbs.

"Same thing."

"Not exactly." He murmured, his eyes shifted on her lips lingering there.

"And yes we are going to stay on the yacht."

"So who is this friend?"

"He is an old acquaintance who recently joined a merger with our company."

"So is it a business party?" She asked.

"In a way." He shrugged.

He dragged his gaze from her lips and glanced out of the window.

"We have arrived." He announced.

"How can we arrive. There's no airport-" she looked out of the window and saw a small village beneath. Several mud houses were lined up in a row painted with sparkling bright colours. Behind the houses were large mountains protecting them from the raging sea. A big boat floated above the water at some distance.

She looked around to find some sort of landing area.

"Where are we--?" The question died down her throat when she saw a landing pad spread on the boat.

"We are landing on the boat." She said faintly and heard Nikos sigh.

"A yacht." He said with patience. "It's a yacht."

"We are landing on the bo-" his eyebrows rose, "yacht. Won't it sink?" She feared.

She saw an amused expression marked his face. Was he making fun of her? Did she ask something stupid? 

"I sincerely hope not or around 1000 people will drown in water and that my dear will lead to a disaster." He mocked.

Felling gullible and insecure Diana cursed her stupidity. She should have knowledge about lavish things like this but never got the opportunity to begin with. She came from a middle class family, her father ran a small business of transportation which collapsed with time. She knew not much of such lifestyle. She was a simple girl.

A thousand ways to embarrass yourself, she thought.

"Are you planning to stay inside?"

Looking at the source she realised they had landed on the deck and Nikos was already out with his hands held out for her to take.

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