The Last Day Of School!

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It's the last day and I don't know what to wear. I either wanna wear a red dress with gold sandals or khaki shorts and an orange shirt w/ my brand new hoverkicks. What should I wear? Anyway I can't wait to get this day over because my birthday is coming up!! I've been planning my Sweet 16 for three to four months, but I'm almost done I just need a venue but since I can read minds and all I already know what ur thinking that I should have it at a mansion. Even though I can read minds doesn't mean I completely understand what people talk about. My Sweet 16 is going to be lit!! (Lit: It means The Best Party Ever!!) Well off to school
I see my sexy boyfriend over there at the lockers. His name is Mark!❤️ I've been with him for 2 years we are in the 10th grade now. Anywho I see him coming towards me. As we make eye contact my eyes grow big and my stomach stars to feel butterflies. I don't know why but every-time I see Him I get like this. He comes over to me and asked me questions I already knew he was gonna ask me. Like how I was and shit like that. We go to class, oh by the way everyone says we are the cutest couple ever!! When we get to science class Mr. Sims sounds like He's kind of in a bitchy mood so I make sure to get on his good side.
7th Period w/out boyfriend
My last class is Girls PE it is so fun I love gym. We play slot of sports and today is basketball. That's my favorite sport. I played for the school but we have a rough season. Me and Mark have basketball in common. He's the captain of every sport he plays from Basketball to Track. I have a feeling your gonna ask if Mark knows my secret talent and yes He does. He likes that about me and I use it on him a lot. Cause you know boys don't know how to express themselves. Anyway I get out of class and get in the car and drive home to take a nap before dance practice. Forgot to tell you guys I love to dance!!💃🏾👯 I occasionally forget things I don't know why..... Just woke up and I missed practice the nap was so good. I had slept so long that I have 25 missed calls and 40 unread messages from.....

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