Reb's Point of View
I was so excited about the date that I posted a tweet saying how happy
I was. I finally got to Shawn's house when I suddenly saw another car...
and of course I knew whos car it was. It was Emma's.. I forgot Emma and Shawn are
dating and seriously think that Shawn forgot too. I was about to knock on the door when
I saw that the door was already open. I peek my head in a saw Shawn and Emma....
Emma was taking off her clothes while sitting on top of
Shawn and said "Its been a while since we talked and I decided to bring back the moment with this.." Shawn
just layed there which disappointed me more but what I saw next was just to much..I ran off crying and crying.
Shawn's point of view
Help me....
Emma's point of view
Everything went GREAT!!! When I left Shawn's house leaving
him unconscious cause of everything we did😏😉😉....
found this girl named Taylor..ughhhh... Of
course Shawn lovers....UGHHH