Level 4

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It had been almost a week since Minghao had battled the Squirtle and taught Junhui how to play. They didn't really interact much afterwards, only the occasional "hi" when they saw each other, so when Junhui climbed the fire escape up to his house and saw Minghao's window unlocked, he took the chance (he was admittedly a bit past tipsy from the shots he took earlier, but it was a chance nonetheless).

He carefully opened up the window so it was wide enough for him to slip through, enabling him to throw his body into the house and land after a somersault. "Now that's how you do it Jackie Chan." he said quietly to himself.

The tall boy tiptoed around the house and tripped twice until he found what he guessed was Minghao's bedroom. The kid was wrapped up in thin blue bedsheets, one bare leg sticking out. When he got closer, he could see his hair scattered over his face and a little drool coming from the side of his mouth.

Jun smiled a little and bent down so that their faces were at the same level. "Hao Hao." He said, shaking him slightly. The boy didn't even stir. "Hao?"

Junhui sighed. This would be difficult.

An idea slowly popped itself into his head. Giggling a little bit at the juvenile thing he was going to do, he positioned himself between Minghao's legs. "Minghao, wake up." he said one last time. When he didn't wake up, Jun positioned himself in a pushup pose and laid on the sleeping boy.

Minghao began to stir a little upon feeling the sudden weight on his body. The half awake boy quickly realized that someone was laying on him. Not knowing what to do, he let out a shrill scream.

The body on top of him flinched a little. "Could you not scream bloody murder?"


"Yo." Jun shifted on top of him before rolling off.

Minghao sighed and felt tears prick his eyes. He was just too damn tired for this. All he wanted to do was sleep.

"Why are you crying?" Jun sounded a bit panicked.

"I don't kn- how did you get into my house? And why do you smell like alcohol?" Minghao waited for him to answer. He should've probably rather called the cops but he was honestly too high off of sleep to function properly.

"Oh, ha. You left your window open." He said, avoiding the second question.

"So you decided to break into my house at-" He paused to check the time on the digital clock beside him. "3 am?"

"That's besides the point Hao Hao. I came here because while I was walking around the park, I caught like, 5 Pokémon."

Minghao swept some hair away from his face, revealing his half closed eyes. "Get the fuck out of my house and lock the door on your way out."

Junhui frowned. He didn't really know the reaction he was expecting, but this was not it. "I'm crashing here tonight."

He rounded the bed and was about to sleep on the other side when Minghao flipped himself onto his back and clutched the sheets to his chest. "Wait, wait."

"What now, jeez?"

He couldn't see him because of the dark but he knew that Minghao was blushing. "I sleep naked."

Junhui smirked. "Great, so do I."

"GET OUT OF MY ROOM." Minghao said, pointing at the door.

Jun sighed and did as he was told, deciding on sleeping on the sofa in the living room instead.

Minghao was unable to go back to sleep.

He was kind of mad that his drunk neighbour broke into his house and woke him up, but he really liked drunk Junhui. Almost 2 hours and he was still thinking of their talk.

"I sleep naked"

"Great, so do I."

And then he fucking smirked.

It didn't really turn him on as much as it did make him wanna crawl into his arms and cuddle for hours on end.

Minghao had to remind himself that Junhui was only acting like that because over the influence of alcohol. It was stupid to be.... He couldn't even find the right word for it. It was like lusting but so much more innocent and pure. Like the crush you'd get during grade school in which you're convinced its love at first sight.

Silly, he knew it was, but he kinda liked it.

So the boy was now alone in his dark room, kept warm by the sheets wrapped around him and the stupidness his young adult hormones gave him.

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