E i g h t

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"You see, Miranda?" Marinette smirked as they both pulled away from each other to catch their breath.

"He's mine."

"She's mine."

Chat Noir and Marinette looked at each other in shock as they said it in sync. Chat's shocked look turned into a smirk. "See? We're meant to be, Miranda. Sorry."

"Well, fine! I'll just choose this really hot guy in my school!" She pouted. The couple both raised an eyebrow, looking at each other.

"And who is that?" Chat asked curiously to Miranda.

"Adrien Agreste. Oh damn, he's so cute!" She started blushing uncontrollably.

"Nah. I don't think so!" Chat shook his head, in which his transformation wore off. "I believe I'm already taken too."

Miranda was in another zone of shock. "IS EVERYBODY SUPER HEROES AROUND HERE?!"

"Nope, just us." Marinette sweetly smiled at the fangirl. Miranda fell down as if she was in defeat.

"Y-You.. m-monsters.." The brunette looked down at the floor and back at the couple with angered eyes, tears streaming down her face. "I hate you both!"

"That's fine." Adrien shrugged. "We're both stronger than you anyways."

"I'm going to tell the teachers!" Miranda was about to sprint down the stairs, but Adrien made a good point.

"You can't, Miranda. School already let out for the weekend." He pointed out as she growled in retaliation.

"Fine, you win! I'll get you both next time and then I'll win, once and for all!" Miranda hissed while she walked downstairs, fuming and trying to keep eye contact with them.

Once the fangirl was gone, the bluenette looked back at Adrien. Instead, he was Chat Noir. "Oh, why are you Chat Noir again?"

"I love being Chat Noir. I actually get to be free for once from my tight schedule." He shrugged. "Do you want me to be the nice, innocent, "Adrien" again?"

Marinette laughed and shook her head. "Of course not, even though Chat Noir has the stupid cat puns!"

"Hey, I think they're funny, Princess!" Chat blushed a deep red color and Marinette poked fun at him for it.

"Well, you can keep the—" she paused and moved closer to him, sitting in his lap. "Purrincess."

The feline gave Marinette a cheeky smile and kissed her on the cheek. "Oh, I will, Purrincess."

"Purrfect." She kissed him back on the cheek also.

"You know you're my Purrincess and only my Purrincess." Chat murmured huskily into Marinette's ear, feeling that tingling sensation again.

"Oh I know, Kitty." She smirked and he wrapped his arms around her.

"You're one in a trillion, you know." Chat smiled, staring at her lovingly. "—And you're one in a trillion too, Chaton." Marinette replied, kissing him softly on the lips.

"My Purrincess."

"My Silly Kitty."

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