Dean Ambrose for Nia Johnson

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"Do you want a drink?" My friend slurs. The alcohol scent reeking off of her breath.
"No thanks." I says.
"Whatever." You says and continues chugging down her bottle of beer.

I look around and everyone seems to be either playing pool or beer pong at the party. This party was mainly for Indy wrestlers. We all like to get together every once in a while.
Suddenly I feel eyes burning in the back of my head.

Debating on turning around or not I look after a moment. A guy about 6 feet tall, with long scraggly hair, and blue eyes was smirking at me.

I look away from him for a few seconds, since he probably was not staring at me.
To make sure, I glance back up at this mystery guy.

To my surprise he was still eying me.
My face started to heat up. Oxygen would not fill my lungs, causing them to start burning.
I need to go get some air.

I make an exit to the back door of the house.
I turn the knob and in an instant a flash of cool air hits me.

No one was in the back year. The moon reflected against the large rectangular pool.
There were some deck chairs lined up in front of the pool. So I decided to go relax by the pool.

A few minutes go by of me sitting in silence under the full moon.
The back door opens and closes. I turn around and see the same guy from earlier walking towards me.

"Hey" he says walking next to me.
"Hello" I reply. I turn around and look back at the pool.
"Can I sit?" He asks pointing to the deck chair next to me.
"Sure" I said. It came out sounding more shy than I expected.

"What's your name?" He asks looking at me.
"Nia" I say and look down.
"That's a nice name. I'm Jon."
I nod and don't say anything.

"So are you a wrestler too?" He asks.
"Yeah, are you?" I ask so I don't come off as rude.
"Yup. I plan on making it to WWE someday." He says with a smile.

"Oh really? Me too!" I reply suddenly more interested. At least we shared something in common.

"What's your favorite move?" He asks.
"Hurricanrana for sure." I tell him
"I could never do that." He says
"Maybe I can teach you one day." I smile at him.
We talked for over an hour. From wrestling, to our day-to-day lives.

"Nia!" My drunk friend called standing at the back door. "Hurry up lets go!" She yelled and slammed the door.

"I should get going." I tell him and stand up from the chair.
"Can I have your number?" He asks before I start to walk away.
"Of course" I reply.
He takes out his phone and I give him the number.

"I'll call you" He says with a wink.
"Okay" I smile and walk back to the house to find my friend.

2 Years Later

Today was my very first day at work. I was at the WWE Performance Center waiting for my trainer to arrive.

All I knew about him was that he is on the main roster. His name is Dean Ambrose and apparently he is in some group called 'The Shield'.

I was sitting by the ring getting ready. I put my running shoes on and tied my hair up while waiting.

The performance center was just about empty. There were only about four male wrestlers in a ring, and two people using the workout equipment.

A man walks the the side door and the wind gets knocked out of me.
It was the same guy from the party two years ago, Jon.

His eyes meet mine and he starts walking towards me.
"Are you the newbie?" He asks.
"Uh I guess." I say, since I was not new to wrestling. Since I have been wrestling for almost three years.

"Come on let's warm up." He says not recognizing me at all. Jon, or should I say 'Dean' walks to an empty ring and I follow after him.

After we warmed up, he let me use his as a test dummy for some moves.
He would catch his breath and I would try another one.

This time I got on the top rope. He came running towards the turn buckle, knowing I was going to do a reversal.

I jumped off and wrapped my legs around his neck to do the hurricanrana. He flipped over to land, so he could sell the move.

"We should take a break." He announces rubbing his side.
I slide out of the ring and walk to my backpack.

Behind me I hear his footsteps. I just grab my bottle of water and take a sip.
"You look very familiar." He says in my ear.
I try not to jump since he was so closet to me.

"Is that so?" I ask him.
"Are you the girl from the party a couple of years ago?" He asks inspecting my face.

"Yeah I'm the one you never even called." I tell him and roll my eyes.
"You never would answer when I called you. I called you every day for months and you never picked up." He says getting frustrated.

"How can I answer the phone if you never even called?" I ask and start to raise my tone.
"Look." He says and pulls out his phone from his duffle bag.

Dean goes through his contacts and clicks on my name. He hands me the phone so I can look at it.
On the screen it showed the wrong number. The last digit was wrong.

"You typed in the wrong number genius." I say and hand the phone back to him.
His face turns a light shade of pink.
"Oh" Is all he says.

"Well after we practice, do you want to go get frozen yogurt?" He asks.
"Yeah that would be nice." I say. We pack up our stuff and he takes me on the date that should of happened two years ago.
Excuse my writing. I have not wrote this much in a long time.

Anyway, requests are open.

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