Say I dooooo.(Wedding part 2/4)

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 HEYYYY GUYSSSS!!!! How is your day so far?!!


Today is an early post because I am leaving to go to Texas for thanksgiving! Yay!!

FunFact about me: I got a hair cut!

 Samantha's POV

"Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today in the presence of these witnesses, to join Austin Shein and Samantha Leron in matrimony commended to be honorable among all; and therefore is not to be entered into lightly but reverently, passionately, lovingly and solemnly. Into this - these two persons present now come to be joined. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together - let them speak now or forever hold their peace." Alpha Patrick paused then continued.

"Who gives this woman away to this man?"

"I do." said my dad and mom at the same time.

"Our couple will now say their vows."

"Samantha, the time I first saw you I knew you would fix me. I was not in good shape to raise my son, but you were there for me. And I hope that I was there for you." he joked.

"Don't worry. You were." I said

"You are my life now. And I want it to stay that way. I want to have a family with you. You are my one and only true love and mate. I love you." He said and my eyes were getting teary.

"Austin, well Dylan. I love you. Even though Eva doesn't have your DNA, I and she thinks of you as her daddy. And I think of Erin as my son. I want us to have this same love when we are old and gray. We have a bond that no one could ever brake. Ever." I said almost crying.
"You are the only man that I have ever loved this way. Not even Mark. Because you were there for me when I was in trouble. And I hope you know that no on will ever, ever, love you like I do." I said ending our vows.

"Repeat after me Austin." Alpha said.

"With this ring, I promise my life to you. (Austin repeats) My everlasting and undying love is held within this unending circle. (Austin repeats) I will love and cherish you in sickness and in health. If we're rich or poor, (Austin repeats) and in the good and bad times." he said and paused when Austin needed to repeat.

(Samantha does the same..)

"If all hearts are clear of their undying love, Austin. You May kiss your bride."
Then we smashed our lips together like there was no tomorrow.

I then knew that I could never ever love a man like I will love Dylan. And no one could ever break us up no matter how hard they try. I love him, and he loves me.

And that's all that we need to get through raising 4 kids...

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