Goin' Up?

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Ratliff’s POV

When I got home, no one was awake. I guess I was with Kelly and Casey longer than I thought. After Casey and I talked about the school I called Kelly and asked if she wanted to go shopping with Casey and I. I figured Casey needed to know someone else besides me and my family before she started school, and Casey would need a girl’s opinion on what to buy. I’m not good at that kind of stuff. On the upside, I think they got along well. Casey wasn’t exactly excited about the idea but she had fun.

“Ellington, is that you?” Oops. I forgot to tell mom I’m home.

“Yeah Mom. It’s me.”

“How did your day with Casey go? Did she warm up to you?”

“Yeah Ma, we talked for a while then we went shopping with Kelly to get Casey some new stuff for school. After talking to Kelly and I, I think Casey is more comfortable around us now.”

“Good. Don’t forget to set your alarm so you can take her to school tomorrow. Go to bed now, Goodnight!”

“Night Ma!” I went to my room and laid in bed on my phone for 3 hours. I got on twitter, tweeted some people, and followed some. I looked to see if Casey had a twitter, and couldn’t find one. Note to self, make Casey a twitter. I got off my phone, and fell asleep.


Casey’s POV

I thought my first day in a new place with a bunch of new people would be horrible. That I would have the worst time of my life and would want to go back to Patty, which is saying a lot. It was actually completely opposite. I went shopping with Ratliff, and he invited his girlfriend Kelly who is really awesome. I could get used to this. It’s different having people around to talk to and do things with. I was really scared to meet Kelly because I thought she would hate me because I was going to be spending a lot of time with Ratliff and his family, but she was really cool about it. I guess they really trust each other.

When we were done shopping, we dropped Kelly off which was a little awkward. Ratliff didn’t even get out of the car to tell her goodbye or anything. I felt like it was my fault because I was basically being a third wheel. I felt like I was intruding on their date or something, but that feeling was quickly taken over by happiness because my all time favorite song came on the radio. I wake up and my hair’s a mess, and I’m too lazy to get, to get dressed, yeah. I love the way you love me ‘cause you love me like that, I love the way you love me ‘cause you love me like that. From the moment it started, I was straight jamming. Music is my escape from the world. Cliché, I know, but it’s true.

“Wow Casey, this is the most outgoing I have ever seen you.”

“Well Ratliff… that could be because you have only known me for what, like, 10 hours maybe?”

“Whoa Miss Sassy! I was just saying!” I glared at Ratliff for a second then continued jamming out to the song until we got to my apartment.

When I got out of Ratliff’s car, I ran inside and to the elevator, with Love Me Like That still stuck in my head. I HATE waiting for elevators because it’s boring, so when I was sure no one was around, I started dancing to the music inside my head. I guess the speakers in my head were too loud because I didn’t notice the elevator had come and was open waiting for me to get in.

“Goin’ up?”

I looked up, a tall blonde and handsome guy was standing there staring at me, holding the elevator. I could easily say that moment was the most embarrassing moment of my life hands down.

“Uh… Um… Ye.. Yeah I’m going up.” T-t-t-today Junior! Gosh! Way to play it smooth idiot.

The guy laughed a little as I got in.

“So… what floor do you live on?”

“Umm….R”  God, I sound like a terrified 4 year old who just lost their parent in a grocery store. <What’s your parent’s names sweety? Ummmmmmm… yes?> I’m such an IDIOT.

“Hey! That’s where I’m headed! I don’t live here but one of my friends does. He lives in room R2. It has a web series set in it. It’s pretty cool.”

“There’s a web series being made in this building? Damn, this place has everything.”

“Sorry, I didn’t catch that last part.”

“Oh, it’s nothing. I was just talking to myself.” Great, you don’t sound idiotic and lame at all. Good going Casey.

“Okay…yeah, there is a set in this building, there is probably a lot more than just a web series set to be honest. This is a big place for aspiring actors and musicians to come.”

We finally reached floor R and as we got out of the elevator, I tripped. I am just so smooth. I was too embarrassed so I tried to make it look like that didn’t just happen, and ran out of the elevator and down the hall to my room. I am so glad room R2 is down the other way.

I got into my room and went right to bed. I was too embarrassed to do anything else. I really need to learn how to act around other people, especially attractive males. I wonder what that guy’s real name is. I fell asleep with my head racing with a bunch of questions that probably would never get answered.

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