Chapter One

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Chapter One! A/N at the end...Enjoy! :)


I pulled myself out of my welcoming covers and looked around my bare room. I've lived in this house since I was 3 years old. It's hard saying goodbye, but it is much needed. I hate to leave my mom alone, but I'm ready to be on my own. I weave my way through the boxes and walk to my bathroom. "Wow, my hair is a mess" I mumbled to myself. I need to look presentable to meet my roommate. Ash shouldn't be here til 10 so, I have time. 

I went downstairs and saw breakfast on the table. My mom greeted me with a hug. "I can't believe my baby is leaving today!" she mumbled into my hair which brought tears to my eyes. "I know mom, but I'm only an hour away. I can come visit!" I said. We ate breakfast and talked. We said most of our goodbyes yesterday when I finished packing everything. 

After I ate breakfast I went upstairs to get ready. I jumped in the shower. Once I got out, I picked out a cute cashmere sweater and paired it with some black jeans and a pair of black flats. I left my long brown hair to dry by itself. It has natural waves, I'm thankful for that.  I'm kind of a girley girl. I was raised with money to spare, but I wasn't a typical rich girl. I made good grades and I didn't really drink or party much. Ash on the other hand, she loved to party. I was more of the designated driver. 

Being finished with getting dressed I ran down my checklist to make sure I had everything. 
Clothes: check
Shoes: check
Toiletries: check
Phone charger: check 

Seeming to have everything I grabbed my bags and took them downstairs to wait on Ash to get here. It's 9:45 now so I don't have too long. I sat down on my couch and took out my phone. I got on Wattpad to resume reading on a book I had started a few days ago. I hadn't had much time to read lately with packing and all. I was reading the story "The Badboy and the Nerd". Great book! Books made love seem so easy to find. I continued reading when I heard loud, continuous honking. Knowing it was Ashey I got up and yelled to my mother that Ashley was here. She came down the stairs hurriedly, but taking her time. We said our goodbyes and then departed. 

A/N!! Okay, that was chapter one! Please let me know how it was. I have had a few people tell me that the introduction was good, so thank you to all! This chapter was just kind of really kicking it all off, never interesting I guess. UNEDITED. Comment/Vote/Follow! 


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2013 ⏰

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