Chapter 5

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I walk out of Regina's office, sighing. She didn't bring last night up.. maybe she didn't want to talk about it, maybe she wanted to forget it. I couldn't help but feel the hurt at the thought of Regina not enjoying last night. I enjoyed it, so so much.. But of course that didn't mean that she did. What if she thought I was just some sort of silly child.. She didn't even know my actual age after all.. I tried my best to push back all my negative thoughts as I walked towards the sheriff's station, which was now my workplace. I remembered that Regina mentioned I would be working as sheriff's assistant. Who even was the sheriff? I walked into the sheriff's station, looking around. My eyes stopped on a man, probably the same age as Regina herself. He was quite handsome, but not my type.. men in general weren't my type at all if you catch my drift. He was busy at work with some papers. I didn't know what to do so I just awkwardly cleared my throat.. nice confidence there Emma..

He looked up. "Oh, hey. Are you the new assistant? Regina texted and mentioned you were just about to come by." He smiled genuinely. He had a very thick Irish accent. I nodded a little.

"Yeah, I'm the new assistant.." I chuckle, slightly awkward. Stop being such an idiot Emma..

"What's your name?" He looked up at me, pushing his papers aside. I take a deep breath so I don't stutter or do anything stupid like that.

"Emma Swan.. What's yours? Or do I just call you boss?" I joke and grin a little, slowly getting more comfortable. He chuckled.

"The name's Graham.. And if there's anyone you should be calling boss, it's our dear Madame Mayor." He smirks a little and I bite my lip, kinky..

"Okay then, Graham. What do we do here?" I ask curiously and tilt my head a little, it was a habit I had.

"Well I'm assuming you've never done anything like this before so I will give you a brief description. The job's simple enough. We're here in case anything happens around town. Usually, this town is quiet and there's usually no problems so we're usually stuck doing paperwork. If we get a call on the phone we answer it, that's usually how people report problems. Got all that?" He asks and looks back to his papers which he pushed away earlier. I nod.

"I got it yeah." I bite my lip and sit down in a chair at the other desk in the room. This job seemed easy enough. I pulled out my phone to look through it and decided to send Regina a quick text. Friends did that.. right? Oh well.

Hey Regina:)

Just got shown the ropes of my new job by Graham. Pretty chilled out day at the station today.. just thought I'd keep you informed..

I send it, I knew I was using lame excuses just to talk to her but I couldn't help myself. I just wished she showed some more interest in me. A few anxious-filled minutes passed, I kept picking up my phone and checking for new texts.. you know, just in case.. I put my phone down when I finally hear that delightful 'ding!' to which I immediately picked up my phone. A bright grin spread across my face when I saw Regina's name on my screen along with a new text from her.

Hey Swan.

I'm glad you're settling into your new job so well. But if you wanted to talk to me, you don't have to use the lame work excuse;)

My throat dries up a little.

Holy shit.. she had me completely figured out. Now how do I dig my way out of this hole that I just dropped myself into.. Laugh it off maybe? Well I gotta text her back, but maybe I should wait a few minutes so I don't seem desperate? Who am I kidding though, I'm desperate as hell.. Screw it. Lets just reply at the speed of light.

Hahah.. I'll be sure to text you randomly next time with no context Madame Mayor;) Anyway.. how are you doing?

Wow Emma.. Great flirting there.. I almost smacked myself after I sent the text. I was so so so lame.. Once again, I wait for the text like a hungry dog waits for a meal. I was certainly desperate. I almost roll my eyes at myself, yet again, it takes a few minutes for a new text to come in and pop up on my phone.

Are you flirting with me sheriff?

My breath hitches in my throat.

Well fuck. I gulp a little and facepalm silently at myself. Well done Emma.. My subconscious chimes in, making me want to hit myself repeatedly.. with a hammer. I reply with shaky hands, making it hard to type.

Would it be very badly inappropriate if I was?

I sigh to myself and put my phone down, this time I was dreading receiving a reply. If she thinks it's inappropriate, my life will be officially over and I'll be on my way to dig my own grave. Another minute or so pass, but it felt like three seconds when a new text popped up on my beloved phone.

Oh I never said I didn't like it;)

I almost choked on my own spit. Emma you idiot, reply. I sit and stare at her reply for at least a minute.. what the fuck I'm weird. I swallow before thinking of a reply of some sort. I had to make myself seem confident and not like the idiot I really was.

Oh is that so Mayor Mills? Well in that case, yes I am flirting with you.

I send the text.. That was pretty smooth, right? I don't even know anymore, this all feels a bit surreal. I look through some papers to make it seem like I was actually doing some work and not spending my whole time at work fan-girling over a text from the mayor.. Whilst I was busy pretending to work, another text came into my phone.

Aren't you getting very confident, Sheriff Swan?

Was she flirting with me and mocking me at the same time? Possibly.

Did I love every second of it? Of course..

I smirk to myself as I type, if flirting was what she wanted, flirting she would most certainly get.


Hey guys! Short short chapter because I am starting a new story, as well as trying to update my one shots book, so please go take a look at that! I love you all loads and thank you for the amazing support because I wouldn't be able to do it all without you guys. I hope you enjoyed this pretty horrible filler chapter.. I wanna start introducing the relationship between Emma and Regina but I really don't wanna rush into it and make this whole story super rushed.. although I already have my ending planned out, but don't worry because it's not coming any time soon! Anyhow, enjoy this short chapter and stay on the look out for other updates tonight and tomorrow!

::D :3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2021 ⏰

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