So We Continue

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With a little under 22 hours left to her life, Cordelia needed counsel. She reached the dowager queen's chambers and impatiently waited for her to invite her in. When she was finally let into the room, Catherine could not be bothered to turn around to face her. "What do you want?" her voice was hoarse from crying. "I need counsel." Catherine let out a harsh laugh. "You need counsel? Why not seek out one of your silly little friends?" "This isn't something they can help me with." Catherine sighed. "Ask. If I so choose to I will answer." Cordelia knew this was her only chance. "How do you do it? How do you face death and not tremble in fear?" Catherine finally turned around. "Interesting." Catherine ran an inquisitive eye over the girl sitting before her. Since sacrificing her life for Francis, she had begun to feel weaker. She was growing paler by the minute and was beginning to shake. "How long do you have?" Catherine questioned. Delia looked to the ground in shame, knowing that Catherine had an inkling of the reason behind her seeking counsel. "They tell me I have no more then a day or two left." Catherine sighed. "You poor girl. What I'm about to tell you can never leave this room." "Of course your majesty." "I was never strong. I always found a way around it. I dragged out my beheading, I dragged out my kidnapping. everything I did was an instinct to survive, it was not strength. But as I imagine you are not facing death the way I have." "No, Your Grace." "When I lost my daughters, I became depressed, devastated.  Henry wouldn't look at me. He was to busy watching Diane and Bash, and pressuring Francis. I was exhausted. Ready to stop fighting. So one night I planned on poisoning myself. I welcomed death as an old friend because I had come to know him well. You may not have faced death yet but when you do just smile." Catherine rose from her vanity and moved toward her bed. "Leave now." Cordelia rose and rushed toward the door. Catherine though decided to ask one more question. "Why?" Cordelia was halfway out the door when she answered but Catherine could have sworn she answered. "For your son."

When she made it back to her chambers she had 20 hours left to her life. She had begun to cough, and she was still shaky. Time was moving to quickly. She got herself ready for a short sleep, the last one she would ever take. When she was about to lie down a knock sounded at her door. "enter." she called softly. Bash walked into the room hoping that she had found the answer they needed. He of course was not expecting her to be half asleep. "Oh Delia, I hadn't realized you were sleeping." "I wasn't. Not yet anyway. I haven't been feeling myself as of late, but that is easily fixed with sleep. What do you need?" "I was hoping to know if you found a source to use to save my brother?" He questioned hopefully. "I think I have. Though the person has agreed to do it they ask that they are given the privacy of not being known. This way they don't feel as if they are only respected because they are dying." Bash nodded, conceding to the wish of the person willing to die for his brother. "Very well, I shall go inform Delphine." "I already have, she needed to get started right away." "Thank You for this Delia, really. I'll leave you now. Sleep well."

A mere three hours after Bash had left her, Delia was up and moving.  She had 17 hours before she died and she still had more letters to write. 


Brother there is so much you don't understand. You have in such a short time become my brother in all ways but blood. You have received counsel from me in ways that I hope have benefited you. I give you one last counsel so read carefully. Love Kenna. You have both faced many struggles. She needs love, as she fears you are losing interest in her. If you let her go to far you will lose her forever. You can't let that happen. You two need to have a daughter named after me. Time is running out for me and I had to make sure you did not lose her due to stupidity. As I'm sure you gathered I am hopelessly in love with your brother. Since I can never be with him, I chose to do whatever else I could. In case you weren't aware yet, I'm the person who gave up their life for Francis. 

The people will need a strong ruler. Make sure he and Mary work themselves out. In the coming months they will both face scrutiny like never before. As the King's Deputy you will see many horrors. But, I beg of you not lose sight of the beauty of the world. It was my time to go. I wasn't in my right mind months ago when you talked me off the ledge. Now though, I have made a decision that will secure an entire nation. I am proud of my decision. I hope you will forgive me. 

God can be cruel Bash, but he is also loving. Remember that when there are times that you are at your breaking point. I may not be there for counsel anymore but, I will always be there in spirit should you need me. 

Love Forever and Always,

Countess Cordelia of the Shetland Islands

P.S. Make sure Francis and Mary don't become his parents. History isn't ready for a repeat.

16 hours left till she died. She decided that now was the perfect time for a walk in the gardens. She threw on a robe and shoes and poked her head out of her room. "Myles?" she questioned her guard. "Countess, are you alright?" "We are going for a walk, come." She fully exited her room and grasped his elbow. "Where would you like to go My Lady?" "The gardens. I think I'd like to see them without any busybodies around." "Of course." So Myles lead her out to the gardens where she let him guide her through. "Did you always want to be a guard?" she questioned him. "Truthfully Ms, no. I was an apprentice in carpentry. When we went to war in Calais I was drafted. I decided after the reality of war that I saw, I couldn't go back to the simple life. So instead I claimed a position here." "But you come from a wealthy family, no?" "Yes. I'm the second son of the Duke of Normandy." "You are a duke?" "If something were to happen to my older brother, yes. Otherwise, I'm just the second son. Another reason I chose knighthood." "Yes, I understand. My older brother is married to a baroness. I was sent to Mary in order to secure a marriage for myself and my younger sister. I was able to secure a husband for my sister, though I was unsuccessful for myself." "There will be others My Lady." Cordelia let out a dry laugh. "I think, Myles that my time has run out." "Cort." "Hmm?" she questioned, busy looking at the white roses. "My name, My lady is Cort." She turned to face him. "Cort." He offered his arm again, as she had stepped away to look at the flowers. "Thank you." she whispered, leaning her head on his shoulder. "As needed Ms."

3rd person pov

Francis coughed, feeling  better then he had in days. "Mary." He called softly. She hummed in response and slowly sat up, still exhausted. "Can we sit by the window?" he questioned quietly. "Of course." She rose from their bed fully and helped him to move into a chair looking over the gardens. He noticed two people walking in the gardens. "Who would be out at this time of night?" He questioned to Mary. Mary squinted to see if she could identify the pair. "Why I believe it's Cordelia and her guard Sir Myles."  Francis shifted uncomfortably. He and Mary had worked out their differences but Cordelia had never truly gotten closure from the little affair the two had. He rarely had the ability to speak to her anymore, not without being racked with guilt for betraying Mary and for continuing to play around with Cordelia. Now though, to see her in the company of another man, one who she seemed to enjoy having around made him sad. While the two of them would never get back together, Francis still cared, not that Mary would ever find out.

Mary watched her husband, who was in turn looking at the couple in the garden. Mary had lost her friend because she was jealous. She had, had a full blown affair while Francis had shared a few kisses, and gathered counsel. Yet he broke contact with Cordelia to please her. Cordelia had been her friend and now Mary could barely hold a conversation. The knight she was walking with, Cort Myles was the son of a duke, and could make Cordelia happy. Even though Mary was hurt, Cordelia had never had a chance to say goodbye. Now though, if she married her knight she could be happy. They could all be happy. She looked back to her husband yet again checking to see if he was ok. He had been feeling better throughout the day, but truthfully Mary was still frightened.

"You should talk to her." Mary spoke softly. Francis leaned forward, startled. "To Cordelia?" He questioned hesitantly. "Yes. I think we need to put everything behind us. If we let this go on, we'll take it with us to the grave." If only Mary had know how true her statement had been.

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