Burning Alive

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If you asked Cordelia, being sick was absolutely the most boring thing in the world. As her health picked up in deterioration she could do less. In 12 hours she had lost the strength to stand, she had come down with a fever that was just short of making her delirious, and a cough that rattled her entire body. It was around 1 in the afternoon and she knew that the girls would be looking for her. She had never skipped a picnic by the lake with her friends. She wondered who they would send to come see if she was alright. As if by the work of god, Greer entered her chambers. "Delia, are you alright?" She questioned, coming over to the bed. "I'm fine, just a chill is all. I'm afraid I'm going to have to miss out on lunch, but I should be fine by dinner." Greer looked unconvinced. "Truly?" "Greer, I promise. I'll be better by dinner, now go before Kenna finishes the wine." Greer laughed softly. "Alright, but don't you dare be late to dinner." "I'll try my hardest." Greer got up from her chair and headed to the door. "I'll inform Kenna of your ailment. Rest and we'll see you later." Greer closed the door softly behind her. As soon as she was gone Cordelia let out a moan of pain. Her head was pounding and she was nauseated greatly. She leaned over to her bedside table and grabbed another piece of parchment. After all she still had one more letter to write.

Mary Queen Of Scotland, Queen Consort of France,

I'm so sorry Mary. I'm an awful person. I fell in love with your husband and for that you have every right to hate me. I feel I must now assure you that I never ever did anything more then kiss your husband. While I love him, you are my friend, my queen first and foremost. So please be comforted in the knowledge that I was never intimate with him. I don't know if he told you but, I'm the one who convinced him to return to you, both times.

As I right this letter, I lay on my deathbed. My heart is failing slowly. I only have 9 hour left to live. I died though doing the one thing anybody wanted to do. I saved the king. Many people would call what I did the work of the devil. Please whatever you must feel for me, don't let my family feel the shame of being called Satanists. After everything I have put you through I know you owe me no favors but please, Don't let them think that of me.

There are so many things that I have learned in the past 15 hours about my life then I have in the past year. Did you know my guard is the second son of the duke of Normandy? His name is Cort Myles. He likes blondes. Greer's title would be raised if you split Normandy in half. North and South. There's a vase in my room that actually has dried rose petals in it.  My older brother is married.I'll be an aunt come May. My younger brother is training for the army. He rises through the ranks quickly. My younger sisters are being trained to be the perfect brides. I know that I was going to be used to help secure an ally in some way, as was my original duty. Perhaps you can use both of them to create alliances. One is fluent in Italian. The other Hungarian. They are both well versed in politics and may be beneficial to France and to you.

There are tonics I keep in my chest. I know you struggle to bear children but what I have has worked for many different women. I no longer have any use of them as I'm to die unmarried. Take them and use them. You may have Francis back but, you are a queen who's wanted dead by many. Life is fleeting Mary. I wasted mine, don't waste the rest of yours.

Be careful and always look over your shoulder.

Love Forever and Always,

Countess Cordelia of the Shetland Islands.

Cordelia placed the letter back down on her table and finally succumbed to the weights on her eyes. Perhaps sleep would help ease the transition. 

Sorry it's so short

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