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As I sit in the emptiness of the dark ,I realise how uncertain everthing is or maybe it's because of the hour I chose to express my thoughts that leads me to this assumption ,yet I remain in the dark as I have now found comfort in this exact place . Funny how the dark can provide such refuge for a refugee ,you would expect shelter ,a warm bed or maybe some good food but I guess these material things don't seem to exist after a while but the dark will always remain . It's still morning or maybe night depending on how you look at it, but as I look at my clock it reads 00:41 as if that is supposed to be a comfort of some sort ,or maybe a reminder that even though I am in the darkness ALONE at this point in time, dosent actually mean that I'm ALONE..., or am I ? Really what's the concept of being around people when your own company provides a much clearer viwe on things . Yes of  course ,how could I possibly forget that I'm still in the dark and it has sucked me to its depths because now I'm surrounded by my emotions ,highly irrelevant right now considering that i dont want to feel ,as I think of being in the Cab ,asking the taxi driver to out run the demons that haunt me ,on my knees I scream hoping someone or something could just take me away ,yet I'm still here in the dark were I take my refuge.



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