Loving the Pain (boyxboy)||Chapter 6: Weird night

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Picture of Oliver

Dylan's P.O.V.

It was around ten o'clock at night, after the "meeting" with the guys and Sammy, we had all gone back to Sammy's place to watch a movie. Now I walked home alone, in the dark, which was a bad idea on my part, but I felt bad making Sam or one of the others go out of their way to walk me home.

I was nearing the bridge that wasn't too far from my house when I heard something shatter against the ground near a tree I had just passed. I jumped, my heart racing at the sudden sound. Was someone in the forest?! Oh god..what if it was papa? No, that's impossible..he's still in prison...right?

I quickened my steps just in case, just wanting to get home and be lectured by my mother for being home so late.

Those thoughts left my head immediately when I heard muffled sobbing as I stepped onto the bridge. I looked up and spotted a person, a bit bigger than me, but seemed to be the same age, sitting on the railing outside the bridge. I gasped, he looked like he was gonna fall.

"What the hell?!" I blurted out as I sprinted toward the figure. The person turned their head with a panicked look on their face and slipped down off of the railing just as I got there. Panicking, I reached and grabbed his wrist before he could fall.

He screamed and started sobbing again, "Please lemme go! I don wanna live no more, man." He slurred, proving to me that this man was beyond drunk.

I groaned and used all of my strength and adrenaline to pull him up and over the railing. As soon as he hit the concrete, he shot up and tried to run back, but I grabbed him and held him tight so he couldn't get away.

Before I knew it, the guy collapsed into uncontrollable sobs and clung to me like I was his lifeline. He buried his face into the crook of my neck and just sobbed.

I just sat there, awkwardly patting his back. "Um...it's okay?" I tried. He just shook his head and let out another choked cry.

"N-No! Was my fault! She died....m-my f-fault! My fault, my fault, my fault, my...fault..." he trailed off and whimpered, "H-Hurts..."

I didn't know what to do, so I just let him cling to me for a bit, then I looked down at him, surprised to realize that it was Max..

"U-Uh..Max? Do you want me to take you home?" He started crying again and shook his head,

"No home, no home, no... I hate home..they don wan me!" He cried, burying his face in my shirt.

I sighed sadly and leaned back so I was against the railing of the bridge. I mindlessly began playing with his hair as silence consumed us, the only sound, his quiet sniffles.

"You know, Sam and Tay's family really do care about you. You just need to let them in. And I know you're drunk off your ass right now, and you probably won't listen to me or remember what I said, but you should really try to be good to them. They're amazing and they deserve your respect. They're your family now, you should accept it and let them in. I swear to you that it's worth it."

"...can't...L-Laker gon get mad if I'm nice to other peoples..." he mumbled. I frowned, who was Laker?

I was going to ask him, but I was too late. He'd already passed out. Now I was officially stumped.

What the hell happened to him?! Why was he out here sobbing in the dark? His clothes were ripped and a few pieces of the fabric were soaked with blood. He had bruises trailing up his neck and covering his cheek and left eye. He smelled like sex and the look I saw in his eyes told me that it definitely wasn't consented sex.

But he couldn't have been raped...right? There was no way. He was a fuckboy after all, he probably fucked a different girl every night, so why was that haunted look in his eyes bothering me so much? And what was he babbling about anyway? First he said something about a girl. "She died" he said. Who died?

Oh god, did he kill someone?!

And after that he brought up someone else, Laker. Who the hell is Laker and why would he get pissed if Max accepted his family? None of it made sense. Was it even my place to wonder? I suppose I lowkey just saved his life and let him cling to me and sob his fucking heart out, so I would assume I deserve an explanation.

But knowing him, I wouldn't ever get one. I didn't want to take him home just yet, honestly this was kind of nice. He was warm, he was sitting in my lap, his face buried in the crook of my neck and arms wrapped tightly around my waist. I didn't mind it all that much. I was actually pretty comfortable.

So, I leaned my head back and looked at the sky one last time, then smiled slightly and closed my eyes, falling into a comfortable sleep. This was a weird night.

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