Chapter 2: Teddy's Death

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Teddy, as aforementioned had lived for an entire century. He was by now white bearded, though less graciously as Albus Dumbledore, though he insisted on maintaining his father's mousey brown hair, but as he was aging, so were his abilities of metamorphosing, hence he couldn't control the odd greys in his hair, giving a distinct similarity in appearance to that of his father in his final years of life.

He was now retired and resting at home. He was going through memoirs of his life at Hogwarts, his career at the Ministry and of his wife, whom sadly died recently. He was quite alone in the house. He had visitations at times from James, Albus and Lily with their respective spouses. But they were also getting on, Lily only just deciding to retire the next year from her career. Rose and Hugo came too on occasions, but mostly because they were particularly fond of their cousin Victoire and visited Teddy in her memory, to make her proud as they idolised her at Hogwarts and in her successful life.

Teddy was rather restful after going through his prized possessions when Lily and Albus came on their regular visit. Lily was the most fond of Teddy. As a child, she always felt sorry for him and understood why he lashed out on her father, Harry. James on the other hand was furious with Teddy and went out of his way to annoy him back. Albus was always too nervous to take sides, but he never held a grudge towards Teddy. Lily was overjoyed when Teddy and Harry patched things up and was soon hoping that Teddy could feel more like part of the family so he wouldn't feel so sad about not having much family left.

So when she found out from James that Teddy and Victoire were in a relationship, she was delighted and hoped that they would marry so that Teddy could at long last, be part of the Potter-Weasley family. Her wish was soon granted a year or so later when they married after Victoire's graduation from Hogwarts.

Teddy and Lily had a strong relationship, like a secondary sibling status. Things went well with Victoire too and she and Lily did all they could to make Teddy happy and welcome in the family, even after the marriage, as Teddy would sometimes have depressing stages over his parents that he could never claim to have known.

Today as Albus and Lily arrived, Teddy was feeling tired. They entered quietly and he stayed awake for them.

"Lily...Al..." he murmured drowsily.

"Would you like us to return some other time, Ted?" asked Albus croakily.

"Not at all." replied Teddy, "Grateful for the're so like your father, right down to the eyes of your grandmother..."

"I know." smiled Albus. He was reminded of this quite often, just as Harry had been.

Teddy greeted Lily warmly. She resembled Ginny more, but still held similarities of her grandmother and namesake, due to her red hair and her charming and loving personality, although today, that red hair was fading and dim to greying pale red.

Teddy looked upon the pair of them with such fondness, but he also felt some deep sadness. Their connection to Harry was sometimes too much for him after his godfather's death some years before. He had never gotten over the guilt he felt for his six year hateful feud with Harry, which was purely one-sided as Harry never bore a grudge against Teddy for his attitude. He even felt he deserved it. But Teddy often looked back on his actions with fear of not just how Harry felt at the time, but how his parents would feel had they lived. But then, if they had lived, none of it would have happened. THen after viewing this, he often wondered if somehow, somewhere, his parents could see what he had done and were ashamed of him, for insulting, disowning and hating the son of his father's best friend. What would Remus, Tonks and even their friends who he also never knew, think of what he had done in his years of despair?

Harry always assured Teddy that he never blamed him for how he reacted to learning how his parents died, but this always fell on deaf ears, because Teddy's shame and guilt immediately overpowered his hate and resentment. He never had a perfect life, and his lifelong guilt only increased this imperfection.

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