Chapter 7: Trouble at the Feast

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Albus and his family walked through the doorway back into the Great Hall of Heaven Hogwarts. The party there were pleasantly eating, though were doing so slowly so as their friend could catch up and join them.

Eventually, they were all sat at the table, but Albus and Ariana could certainly sense tension at the wooden feasting board. Remus, Tonks and Teddy were eating silently and each with a nervous expression. Severus was for some reason, looking over at the Dumbledores, the Lupins and even James' Potter family in what seemed to be a mournful way.

Albus soon placed down his knife and fork after he and Grindelwald had shared and scoffed down a hearty chunk of roast beef.

"I'd like to ask anyone at this table," he began, "if there is anything...they would wish to tell me."

He was gazing fixedly at Teddy, Severus and even Sirius whom was looking at Aberforth in a seemingly jealous approach, as he said this.

None of the three spoke, though the two Lilys both knew what was giving Severus some upset. Not even little Angel, Harry nor James knew what was troubling him. He only trusted Lily enough to tell her his weak points.

"Let's start with you, Sirius." said Albus randomly, "Why so curt towards Aberforth?"

Aberforth, whom was carried away by his guilty thoughts and clutching Ariana's forgiving hands, looked up and saw that Sirius had indeed been staring at him, and feared for a brief moment that Sirius knew it was him who killed his sister, but knew it could not be so.

"Nothing, Albus." said Sirius insistently.

Insistent or not, there was no fooling Albus, whom was piercing into his thoughts and even Ariana was looking at Sirius with a just-let-it-out expression. Petunia didn't understand, nor did the Marauders, but eventually, under Albus' hard stares, Sirius sighed and cleared his throat.

"Hem. I um, I never loved my family...but after I learned from Harry and Kreacher about what he did to aid in Voldemort's destruction, I wonder what became of my brother, Regulus."

"Regulus?" said James, "You mean to say...are you going to tell us that you miss your little brother?"

Sirius looked down and nodded slowly.

Severus stood at this point.

"So does he."

All eyes turned to Severus and Sirius was looking at him incredulously.


"I have met with the Malfoys from time to time with Harry and Mad Eye." explained Severus, "Harry and Draco are on friendly enough terms, and I always had a friendly relationship with the Malfoys. Lucius often felt guilt for sending me to my fate, though I told him that he was therefore my deliverer to my happy afterlife...but one time, I visited them alone and I met two people there...Barty Crouch Jr and your brother, Sirius."

Sirius stared in awe. "And?"

"They were there because Crouch Jr, after being sent away by his parents to reform himself before he could be forgiven by them for spoiling his mother's sacrifice and helping Voldemort return, met Regulus in the part of Heaven he had been sent to. They became friends, though Regulus was still wary about Crouch, especially after he learned of what he did...but they soon let that go, as they were both in the same boat...your parents and the other Blacks were not too fond of him either...when they learned that he decided to betray Voldemort, they felt he had become a coward and betrayed 'the Noble House and Family of Black'."

Sirius balled his fists tightly. The most loved son was now similar to him, an outcast. Sirius was the rebel Gryffindor and Regulus was now the cowardly Slytherin. Nothing ever satisfied his blessed mother and bloody father.

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