Chapter 14

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Preston's POV
  The next thing I know I'm being ripped out of the bed and slammed against the wall. I open my eyes to see the one and only Sam. She gives me an evil grin before saying,"Look what you did to my beautiful face! You bruised it! So now I think it's fair if I ruin somthing that you love!" With that it was a straight blow to the gut. I heard arguing down stairs and a cry occasionally. Sam started kicking me in the stomach. After she kicked me about 6 times a grabbed her foot dragging her to the floor. I hit her upside the head causing her to scream. I wearily stoud up and picked her up. I pinned her against the wall (not like that you perves!) with her hands behind her back. She whispered," P-please let me g-go." I didn't say anything obviously and slowly freed her from the wall. My left arm was clutched to my chest because it really hurt and think she did some damage. We slowly walked down stairs that's when I took in the site. Pete had Brendon to the wall juts like how I had Sam earlier. Patrick was being held back by Joe why'll Andy looked up at me. Pete sall me with Sam and let go of Brendon and he looked up at Sam. He ran up to Sam to take her away f on me but I stomped on his foot causing him to yelp in pain. I nodded towards the door and he went outside. I lead Sam to her car and let go. She tried to take a swing at me but I caught it and twisted it. My left arm still in pain had enough energy to punch her in the stomach before I lit go of her hand. She climbed into her car and they drove off. Pete and Patrick came running towards me and trying to figure out what was wrong. I just walked past them and towards the house they started running to catch me. I walked in and towards the bathroom. I walked into the bathroom just as they all ran inside the house. I started washing of the blood on my face then my hands. I wrapped my hands up just as they all came into the bathroom. Andy picked me up and say me on the counter. Joe got a rag warm to clean off my face. Pete was looking for some wrap why'll Patrick was babying me. After they cleaned me up they went to move my left arm and I did something that even scared me. I screamed. They looked at me shocked. But for the first time since I woke up in the hospital I said something. I said,"Please don't touch it." Their eyes where wide. They just nodded. But then Andy said," Let's get you to the hospital so they can look at that arm." We all nodded and drove off to the hospital.

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