The Confession

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Damon's P.O.V.

I sat at Alaric's grave mindlessly rambling about how stupid releasing paper lanterns to grieve over lost ones was. Paper lanterns weren't going to solve anything. Ric was gone. He was the only thing keeping me on my delicate balance between sanity and insanity. He held me together when Elena broke me apart. And now he was gone. Nothing would ever be right again.

"You know I never told you how much you meant to me..."

Jeremy's P.O.V.

My eyes widened as I stared at Damon as he rambled on, too distracted to notice my presence. Ric was sitting right beside him. Damon suddenly changed the subject from stupid lanterns to his feelings for Ric...oh, this was going to be good.

Alaric's P.O.V.

"You know I never told you how much you meant to me..."

Those words from Damon made my head perk up immediately. He continued.

"You meant the world to me. Elena can go die in a hole with Stefan for all I care. All I ever wanted was you. YOU kept me intact. YOU convinced me not to kill someone even when they deserved it. All I needed...was you..." his voice softening. "Couldn't you see that I loved you ?..." His voice was barely audible now.

My eyes had teared up as I recalled a dream I had had a couple weeks before I was forced to become a vampire.

I was at the Mikaelson family's ball. I didn't know why but I didn't care because I could see Damon. He was pissed at Elena and I knew I needed to intervene.

"What did Elena do this time?"

"Had Stefan snap my neck so that she could meet Esther by herself without my permission."

"She doesn't deserve you Damon. She doesn't want you to care enough to protect her so don't," I said as I hugged him while rubbing circles on his back with my finger. He seemed to calm down with this action. I leaned into the crook of his neck and layed my head on his shoulder. As soon as I did that I could instantly smell him.

He smelled so good. So tempting.

Suddenly, with his vampire speed, Damon had me pinned to the wall... His lips attached firmly to mine.

His mouth snaked its way to my neck and I pushed him into my neck more, not believing that this was finally happening.

Then suddenly he bit.

Damon had woken me up saying that I had been having a nightmare. He then casually sniffed the air and smirked.

He asked me if my 'sexy psycho doctor girlfriend' was having sex with me when she stabbed me in the heart with a stake. That's when I noticed my buldge forming in my pants.

"No..." I answered. Unsure of where this conversation was going. Then he just left the room.


So he had wanted me too. Tears fell from my eyes as I thought about all the fun we could have had together. I was excited that I had gotten a confession out of him, slightly amused that it took me dying and thinking I wasn't there to get it, and sadness because we could've been together forever if he had just told me sooner... "I love you too, Damon..."

Jeremy's P.O.V.

I sniffled, trying to prevent tears but it had backfired.

"You can come out now, Jermey."

"I can explain."

"What was he doing? What did he say? He was here right? Wasn't he?"

"Hold up. Okay, he was crying-"

"What type of crying? Sad crying? Funny crying? Happy crying? Sympathetic crying? Frustra-"

"He said a combination of sad, happy, frustrated, and amused. And he said...he loves you..."

Damon froze as what must've been a thousand thoughts flickered through his head.

"And yes, he was here."

I decided that no matter what these two had to be together. An emotion erupted from deep within me and told me this had to happen (Caroline would later tell me that this was 'fanboyism' and that I was basically the boy version of a race known as the 'fangirls').

I left to make this dream come true. No matter what Dalaric would happen.

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