
220 17 1

Kameron James

" aunt denise why do we have to go? I don't do well with groups." i groaned laying on her shoulder. she laughed put on her earrings.

After the whole situation that night , i haven't went anywhere alone again at night.

" because she wants us to come and because i want to go . it's just next door light bright ." she said tapping my nose . she walked into the bathroom and fluffed her hair in the mirror . i groaned and made my way to my room.

I thew on a white tank top and some shorts with my pink and white sandels. im a nerd with good taste okay? I don't dress like i sit and play pokemon all day .

I grabbed my headphones , book and phone . i needed something to distract me from jason. I haven't seen him around much . but the girls he brings home screams his name so loud that you would think they're in your house with you . it was disgusting and it went on for a week straight.

" okay i won't force you to go but atleast come to say hi ." i blew air and dropped my thing's back on my bed & followed her out the door . we walked next door as the group of boys stared and smiled. They all told jason they were leaving.

Jason looked at me and smirked. I turned around and rolled my eyes. He still looked cute .

My aunt and Jason's mom continued to talk until jason came over. " oh jason come meet kameron. " he turned around and smiled. i never seen him smile a full one and it was beautiful.

" hey im jason. " he said smoothly. He put out his hand.

" im kameron ." i shook his hand as a wave shot threw me . we stared as our hands let go. My aunt denise and Jason's mom laughed causing us to look away.

" im patty it's so nice to meet you! You are beautiful. "

I blushed snd hugged her back.

" thank you mrs.patty. "

She waved her hand. " just call me patty. Wow your eyes are beautiful , im going to stop before i get lost in them. " i laughed and thanked her . from the corner of my eye i could see jason burning a hole in my face .

I played with my fingers and tryed to avoid his gaze on me . doesn't he have a girl to go do things with right now?

" hey we're going to talk in the living room okay?" aunt denise said . i nodded . " call me if you need me ."

Oh great i was left on his porch with him. " so is your name Kameron with a K or a C ?" he asked . i rolled my eyes.

" With a K " i said looking away .

He laughed a little and looked up at me. " whoa feisty today huh?"

I wanted to seriously smack that smirk of his beautiful flawed face . " no noise today huh?" i said looking at him . my eyes widened and i turned around . did i just freaking say that?

He laughed. " no noise today , don't worry i'll give you some noise ." he said stepping up to me . i swallowed as the heat in my chest rose again.

Say something say anything ." i bet you will " i stated matter of factly . who was this talking!!!

He stuffed his hands in his pockets . i looked at his sleeve of tattoos and his chest threw his white t-shirt . oh god he was sooo hot.

I looked away quickly & closed my eyes . he smirked and ran his fingers threw his hair. I bit my lip and started walking down his steps and on the last step i lost balance . i fell back into someones strong hands . i looked back and his eyes met mines . my heart fell into my stomach as he helped me back up . how did he get here so fast? . i still felt him behind me only inches away from me . " are you okay?" his breath hitting the back of my neck. My breath hitched and i looked down at my fumbling fingers .

" yea im fine ." i whispered. He let go of my waist and i turned around facing him . " thank you" i said tucking my hair behind my ear . he licked his pink lips. " no problem. " he whispered. He rubbed his neck and i backed up and turned to walk away. i walked back to the house and closed the door i ran to my room and plopped on my bed . why was this happening to me? I could still feel his hands on my hand and on my waist .

I rubbed my hands over my face and bit my lip . even though he was bad i still wanted to see him again .

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