
339 31 15

I don't get why Dean has to fucking lose at Battleground just so Roman and Seth can have their shitty feud! (Even though it's gonna be litty and not shitty) Let Dean have a healthy title reign! This is gonna make it look like all of Dean's hard work has gone to waste! Seth and Roman have been champions for the longest and when Dean finally gets to be champion they take it away! Sure the Rolleigns feud is going to be great, but think about if it would have happened differently. After Roman lost, he got suspended which actually messed up the whole Rolleigns feud 😔 Dean was supposed to hold on to his briefcase until SummerSlam where he was originally supposed to cash in! Now everything is just fucked up 🙁 Damn Deano, now you gotta lose! After that amazing fucking speech he made on Monday and everything 😫

 After Roman lost, he got suspended which actually messed up the whole Rolleigns feud 😔 Dean was supposed to hold on to his briefcase until SummerSlam where he was originally supposed to cash in! Now everything is just fucked up 🙁 Damn Deano, no...

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Go read LegitBoss_Sasha theory on how the feud should go in her Black Girl Rants book, it's fucking amazing 👑

#HurryBackRoman ❤️

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