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After many jokes, embarrassing stories and me tripping over my own feet every five steps, we get to the ice cream shop.

The inside is really nice. There's a lot of bright colours, but most of all, lots of ice cream.

There's so many, I can't choose. I decide with IC/F (ice cream flavour), and Dan gets chocolate.

We sit at a table for two outside the shop.

It's quite nice today. There's a nice, spring breeze and there's not a cloud in the sky.

I sense someone staring at me and turn to Dan. He's just sitting there, staring, like he's in some kind of trance.

I stare back at him to see if he notices and see a blob of chocolate ice cream on his nose.

I giggle, pulling him out of Dan land, and tap my nose while handing him a serviette.

Mumbling a small thank you and wiping his nose, his cheeks turn a light shade of pink.

I chuckle some more and his blush deepens. He's so cute.

No, I can't say that.

Dan's POV

As we eat our ice creams, I can't stop staring at her. I can't help it, I'm just drawn to her.

It's her beautiful E/C eyes, the way they shine when she's happy and how you can see the stars in them.

It's her laugh, the way it seems like magic and gives me that bubbly feeling.

It's her smile, the way it can put a smile on anyone's face and light up any mood.

I must've been in a trance, and when I heard her tiny giggle it pulled me back to reality.

When she had my attention, she tapped her nose and handed me a serviette.

Wow, I'm such a dork. I can't be around an attractive girl without making a fool of myself.

I mutter a thank you, and begin to feel my cheeks heat up as I wipe my nose.

She giggles even more which makes me blush harder.

"Awww, is Danny embarrassed?" She quirks an eyebrow.

"Very. And don't call me Danny," this sends her into a fit of laughter.

"Sure thing."

Soon enough, we've finished our ice cream and now we're walking through the park.

"Really? Remember when you walked into me on this path and my scarf got stuck on your jacket?"

Wow, I actually didn't realise.

"It is?" She nods.

"Yup," she says, popping the p.

We continue to walk around the park, talking about random stuff.

"What if the Doctor chose me to be his next companion? Do you think he'd like me? I wouldn't be Rose, but still." She's such a nerd.


"Oh, fuck! Sorry, Dan, but I've got to get home right now. I just remembered I said I'd have my brother over for the weekend and he'll be there soon. I'll see you soon, yeah?"

I nod, "Sure."

And with that, she's off.

I feel really disappointed. I was hoping to spend more time with her.

After a bit more of a walk, I start heading home.

I'm thinking of how this year will turn out.

I'm thinking about her.



Yeah, it's a bit shorter.


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