The interrigation

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(bathroom in above picture)

I was way too shy to just go and have a shower with the handsome stranger like that because I had no idea who he was, so I got up and looked for the kitchen which was hard to find since his house is full of hallways and doors. I think this may be the biggest house I've ever seen.

When I got to the kitchen I made myself a bowl of Cheerios with some milk and a glass of orange juice before trying to recover the events of last night but to no avail. It finally set in that I just kissed and slept with a total stranger well more like god but still, and I just let him call me kitten. I had to get over this school girl crush and get some answers. But as soon as he walked into the kitchen with just a towel my mind turned to goo.

I starred in admiration of his body and his features that made me a little wet just thinking about all the things I want him to do to my body. "Kitten?" He asked but his voice sounded far away as my eyes and thoughts were focused on the drops of water trailing down from his strong chest to his waist, and even though the water trail was cut off by a pesky towel I just imagined where it would have ended off wishing the towel wasn't there.

All of a sudden I felt the ground disappear as my body was lifted and spun by a strange force, taking a moment or two for me to realize he was spinning me around like a little kid trying to make me snap out of my trance. I started laughing and giggling then he put me down and I managed to snap myself out of his handsome charm that had entrapped my mind a moment ago " kitten you're finally back to earth where did you go on your far travels out of this realm" he said jokingly.

" well mr. Godly body I don't know why I'm here or why I was sleeping with you or why I kissed you or who you are or how I got here but I expect answers and my name isn't kitten..... It's Sarah" I said trying to stand my ground and puff out my chest to intimidate his gigantic sky scraper of a body. I hesitated to tell him my name because I don't know if I can trust him but it's better than kitten I guess.

He stood there slightly shocked at the fact I had managed to get out a real sentence without falling for his god like charms, but then as he saw me puff out my chest he just burst into fits of laughter at my attempt to be scary, but all it was doing was showing off my breasts. I pouted at him for not taking me seriously and he stopped laughing but kept a goofy smile on his face as he said " awe kit-Sarah I mean Sarah... Don't pout I'm just teasing you and well I guess if this is an interrogation we should do this properly don't you agree?"

I grinned evilly and quickly ran to the lights turning them off grabbing a lamp and dragging a small and surprisingly light table to the middle of the room commanding him to sit, he just blinked at me and I realized I forgot chairs so I grabbed two chairs and turned on the lamp making light shine bright in his face. " you get a chair when you co-operate, mr godly body if that's even your real name, I want answers why am I here, who are you, and how did I get here, also why was I sleeping with you" I was goofing around with the desk and fake interrogation but I really did want answers and if this was the only way to get them then so be it. He cleared his throat before saying " you're right...... Mr godly body isn't my real name" before smirking and laughing again. I huffed and said " you know this isn't the only way to get answers from someone" he looked at me daring me to intimidate him so I walked over to him and started tickling the giant God, like crazy until he was on the floor with me on top of him. I pinned him to the ground and went down bringing my face closer to his as if I was about to kiss him and then whispered seductively in his ear " if you answer my questions you'll be rewarded and I know you'll enjoy it". Then I pulled away and winked at him before going back to my side of the table and said " alright punk now talk" .

He just kept laying on the floor for a bit before getting up chuckling and saying " I'm pretty sure it's good cop bad cop, not hot cop bad cop and you're supposed to be two different people..... But okay I don't know how to really tell you this but I used to work for a man who was the head of a very dangerous gang they sold drugs and stole from everyone they could get your hands on and unfortunately for me that man who was the leader to all of this was my father. One night I over heard a couple of guys talking about your father they made a huge robbery and stole a bundle from him and at first I thought nothing of it until I realized that your father was the leader of our biggest rival gang and the men were talking about if we really wanted to hit your dad where it hurt they would kill you. I was against everything my father did in the first place but that was taking it too far so I tried to warn your dad and reason with him but... Well he said he didn't care and that you'd be the perfect bait to get information on my father, obviously I didn't tell your father who I was so he let me go and thanked me for the information but I couldn't just leave an innocent girl who was stuck in the same situation as me to be used as bait by her unloving father, I didn't know what else to do, you had no where to go."

He paused giving me a moment to comprehend what he just said but sadly it wasn't news to me my father was a cruel man and I knew that, the only thing that surprised me was this strangers kindness. He started to speak again finishing the story " so I snuck into your house through a window and once I found you sleeping I brought you home to my house I gave you the bed and took the couch but I guess you sleep walked in the night and cuddled up to me on the couch kitten and that's what happened....oh and I'm Lucas but if you want I don't mind being called mr. Godly body" I blushed at Lucas's story and believed him because I know my father and so far Lucas seem very kind so why wouldn't I believe it, I'm here anyways so what would Lucas get out of lying.

He cleared his throat and I looked up at him and he sheepishly said " so.... That reward you were talking about....?" I said " oh yeah I almost forgot" I grabbed his arm and lead him to the bedroom where I kissed him and made out with him as Lucas stuck his tongue in my mouth I slowly moved my hands down his bare chest to his towel and took it off of his waist letting it fall to the floor exposing his big cock. I let my hand travel down to his dick and started jerking him off while my other hand was on the back of his head playing with his hair then, I pulled away from the kiss and slowly left a trail of kisses pressing my lips against his soft skin just enough so he could feel the warmth of where my lips had been leading all the way down to his inner thighs teasing him a little before my lips landed on his soft tip dripping with a bit of pre cum. Then I stood up and smiled at Lucas before saying " I'm going to have that shower now you should really put some clothes on before someone catches a glimps of your handsome naked body from the open window" then I walk into the bathroom locking the door behind me and hop into the shower.

When I got out of the shower I realized I had no clothes so I had to open the door to see if Lucas was in his room, which thankfully he wasn't so I quickly took off the towel and looked through Lucas's dresser and grabbed a pair of boxers and a shirt. The boxers definitely didn't fit but thankfully stayed up on my hips and the shirt was more of a dress going down to my knees. When I came out of the bedroom I heard a tv so I blindly followed the sound to its source and discovered a very sexy looking Lucas playing just dance and by looks of it he plays at least twice a week. I giggled a little but he didn't hear me so I took this opportunity to sneak up behind him, then yell " charge!!" And jump on a scared looking gods back. " oh god Sarah I almost crapped myself why would you do that?!?" Between my fits of laughter I managed to get out " I-oh God- your face- hahaha" which resulted in me falling off the Giants back onto a surprisingly soft floor but still ouch, causing the giant goof to break out laughing too.

Once we finally calmed down I asked him when I could get some clothes and his response was " awe but kitten you look adorable in my clothes...... But if you insist on wearing ones that fit we can go to the mall tomorrow, for now let's get to know each other" I smiled and told him cheerfully " okay well hmm okay tell me about yourself and most importantly.... Can you cook?

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