Kidnapped AGAIN

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( mean kidnapper above)

They blindfolded me and held a cloth up to my face clearly chloroform I tried holding my breath but it was useless the darkness was already filling my vision and then I was out. I woke up in a small room, I guess I watch too many movies because I was expecting a cold stone floor and metal bars in a dungeon or prison in a basement but still I was handcuffed probably in a locked room the only furniture was a chair and a window. The window was too high up even if I managed to get out of the handcuffs... Stupid shortness.

I sat in the chair for a while until I opened my big mouth and decided it's a good idea to demand my captors for food " hey big scary guys I bet you can't open the door you're too scared that I'll beat you up and escape" yep I'm a genius well at least it made the door open and another giant scary guy walked in. Sheesh where do you get these people are there like evil sign up sheets at the gym or a body builders club...

I guess I said that out loud because the scary guy started laughing a little before trying to cover it with a cough but I saw your laugh so muahahahaha I win. " why am I here I mean I know you know my dad because other than that my life is normal well other than the time aka yesterday when I fell in love with my kidnaper/ saviour or the time I thought I could fly and jumped off a dresser but broke my nose...." I trailed off lost in thought for a second before laughing guy started talking " your dad doesn't care about you but Lucas does and if we have Lucas we control his father so really you're disposable your fathers the one who is making this happen" well damn. That's like a kick in the face but not unexpected it's kind of like being a clumsy person signing up for soccer you know you're going to get hurt eventually.

" ok so what I just sit here starve to death then get killed when Lucas comes?" The man smiled creepily and said " well first he needs to know your header and have a reason to want to save you" oops I shouldn't have talked this probably won't be much fun.....
After a few days of being starved and kicked around. They wanted to make sure I was nicely bruised for Lucas to have motivation, I mostly slept it made things easier I know I said I wasn't giving up but there isn't much I can do. I never see anyone walking around with a pair of keys and the only way out of handcuffs is to break my thumbs but then I have to manage to climb up to a high window and jump a couple stories, I don't think that will help me at all.

All of a sudden I hear gun shots and a bunch of men barged in my room Lucas being the first one I see he managed to find the keys somewhere, probably threatened people to give them to him but I was so thankful I guess I was also a little malnourished because then everything went black.... Again. why does this keep happening.

When I woke up I was met with a tight hug from Lucas and jumped up to hug you tight back and felt really good there was barely any pain, Lucas then explained to me everything how he looked and looked everywhere in the mall all of the bathrooms and couldn't find me and how he went to his father for help getting a team of men and going into a fire fight just to save me I was so touched by his actions I started to cry and he gave me something to eat which I gladly took because I was starving and even though I've been out for probably a couple days judging by the lack of bruises I was getting a bit tired and I guess Lucas could tell because he said to me " kitten are you ok? You look tired how about we go to bed and I'll make you a big meal of your favourite foods when we get up?" I nodded my head to him and sleepily walked to the bedroom and since I forgot to get pjs when we went to the mall I just wore a shirt of his to bed that hung down almost to my knees and the neck showed a bit of cleavage, we jumped into bed after Lucas stripped into just his boxers but I was too sleepy to take in the glorious sight of his godly body so I just laid with my head on his chest and his arm wrapped around my side and we fell asleep.

Saved by my kidnapper...TWICEWhere stories live. Discover now