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To anyone that's confused, this is a fairytale retelling, but a prequel of sorts. (Of what happens before the fairytale)

The fairytale is called 'The Snow Queen' and was written by Hans Christian Andersen. None of the characters except the Snow Queen will be in this retelling/prequel. (Her name is not Maria in the original story - it was never stated, so I decided to call her that!)

This story is for the FCRA Fairy Tale competition. There will be about 10 chapters in this short story. :)

I'm definitely excited to explore this idea! I can't wait to post the first chapter.

The cover was made by @PlacidPoppies. Be sure to check @PlacidPoppies out! <3

See you soon! <3


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2016 ⏰

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