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I'm supposed to be home right now, I think to myself as I watch the other people in the room get drunk and dance. I have a test tomorrow. I should probably go back home and study.

I get up from my perch on a bar stool, entirely intent on heading home, but I'm pulled back by my friend.

"Where're you going?" Cassidy demands, her brilliantly blue eyes burrowing deep into my mind. "You don't need to study anymore. You need to have some fun."

"Studying is fun," I remark, a smile on my face.

"Says the girl who had a test induced nervous breakdown." Cassidy pulls me close to her, impervious to the blush that's reddening my cheeks. "Love, you can't keep doing that to yourself. Live a little!"

I shoot her a glare, pulling back to unscramble my thoughts. "I can live." I take a deep breath, dramatically exhaling. "See. Living."

"There's a difference between living and existing, Beni." Cassidy lets go of my arm, flourishing her blue plastic cup. "This," she takes a big swig of beer, and I watch her swallow face still hot, "is living." Her cheeks are flushed from the alcohol. "Come on, Beni." She pushes a cup in my direction. "Live."

Grimacing, I take the cup, hesitant to take a sip.

"Oh for Pete's sake!" Cassidy gets off of her stool with an eye roll that could kill. "If you don't want to experience life, I'll leave you be, slug." She starts to walk away.

"Wait!" I cringe, forcing myself to take a drink. "There. Is that good enough for you?"

Cassidy smiles, triumph practically pouring from her very being. "Perf." She slings an arm around my shoulders. "Now just keep drinking until you're not sure which way is up."

I glare at her, but I still bring the cup to my lips and let the foul tasting liquid slide down my throat as Cassidy watches, an approving smirk on her face.


"You shouldn't take that," I murmur, head foggy from excessive alcohol consumption. "It's stealing."

To my left, Cassidy just rolls her eyes, pocketing the roll of money that she just took from Anthony Clavikston's pillowcase. "Like he'll miss it." She gestures to the leftover surplus of bills and then waves her arms about. "He's rich as f-"

I make a gurgling noise, a reminder to Cassidy of my rule. "No cussing."

She nods. "He's rich. He's not a wanting child. Why shouldn't I take this money. We need it more than him."

"But isn't it wrong? Unethical?"

"Love, ethics are just another set of meaningless rules set by society."


"I'll put the cash back if you want me to, though." She whips the money back out and gives me an expectant look. "Well?"

"You don't sound suave when you call me that," I say, and she re-pockets the money, a smile on her face.

"I believe I do, love," she chastises, patting my head affectionately. "Can you still tell which way is up?"

I nod, feeling delightfully warm, though I do think that's just from my state of inebriation.

She sighs, shaking her head. "Then come on. We need some stronger stuff."

When she walks out, I follow her, just as I always do.

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