The Haunting of Mission Creek High

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-Published July 15, 2016-

A/N: I apologize for late updates, this chapter is dedicated to @LabRatsrules since yesterday was their birthday! If you guys ever have a birthday coming up, don't be scared to post it on my board, I'll reply and possibly dedicate chapters if you ask me to. Thanks for sticking around and I hope you enjoy this poorly written chapter.

--Destiny's POV--

"What do you want, Perry?" I groaned into the phone. Perry called me 386 times in 3 days, day and night included. 

"Finally you answer! Third time I called." Perry exclaimed.

"You mean the third time you called in half a minute?!" I shouted before I could practically hear her rolling her eyes at me.

"Well, I did have a reason to call you so many times!" She shouted back.

"Fine...What is sooo important that you had to call me 380 something times for?" I asked.

"You heard about the legend of Jasper the Janitor?" She changed the subject.

"Uh. the fake one you've been doing for every 10 years?" I answered while rolling my eyes.

-Just cause I'm lazy >.<-

Perry: Mmhmm...

Destiny: What about it?

Perry: Well...This year is the year to do it, but, to be honest, it's fake!

Destiny: Uh, but who would fall for that? 

Perry: You're really asking that question when you know who goes there?

I take a moment to recall who still goes to Mission Creek...Well, Adam...maybe Leo...Definitely Trent...She could pull it off.

Destiny: Okay, you're right. But why call me?

Perry: Since you are good with pranks and I, being me, I think we can pull a prank on a few unfortunate guys.

Destiny: Hmm...I'm listening.


Well, to sum it up...I've joined forces with Perry to prank a few kids, namely Adam, Chase, Leo, and potentially Trent. To help this, Perry made up some excuse that I have to substitute for a teacher who bailed out. From there, we'll be able to witness and prank the four.

I woke up pretty early today just so that I could plan it out with Perry. I had to be quiet since she didn't have a phone that could text (really Perry?). When the appropriate time came, I got out of my room (ready to go to Mission Creek High), and the four kids saw me.

"Des? Where are you going?" Leo asked me.

"Oh! Well, Perry hired me as a substitute for a week since I 'graduated early.' So I'll just go with you guys." I fluently said through my mouth (Where would she say that through?)

"Yay! Girly is back!" Bree cheered before wrapping an arm around my neck.

"Hey, that's my nickname for you!" I protested as I held onto my shoulder bag strap.

"Come on, we don't wanna be late for school." Chase stopped our conversation and we all made our way to school.

"Fine, goodie-two-shoes. Just don't expect me to keep calling on you in science, okay?" I smirked back and he rolled his eyes.


Step 1 has been done: Make sure the boys made it to school. Made sure of that since Trent noticed me immediately. He then proceeded to flirt with me like usual, and I rejected him as usual.

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