Waiting On Superman

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Song: Waiting On Superman- Daughtry


She's out on the corner trying to catch a glimpse
Nothing's making sense
She's been chasing an answer
A sign lost in the abyss, this Metropolis

 Nothing made sense right now. It felt like everything was spinning way to fast. You felt like you were going in circles looking for an answer that would never come. Realization dawned to you and faster than lightning you were out the door. Running as fast as you could  you raced to the studio. All you needed was Harry's warm embrace, his arms, his comforting words.

Finally, you reached the building. Pushing past people you raced to the front desk.

"Excuse me! You can't come in here!" The lady at the front desk looked at you with a smug face. She clearly knew that you were: The Harry Style's girlfriend.

"I need to see my boyfriend, Harry." You spat not even looking at her "Just tell me where he is."

"No, I'm sorry but how could you ever be his girlfriend. Why don't you go outside with all the other girlfriends?" She replied with a sarcastic smile on her face. The fake sweetness in her voice pushed you over the edge.

"Please, I really need to see him." Your voice barley above a whisper. A look of sympathy passed across her eyes. "Have you ever felt so lost that you ddn't even know where you came from? The only thing that  could... no would  help you seem so far away?"  You knew that you had gotten through to her when she handed you some tissue and a visiters pass.

"My boyfirends in the army and I barely get to see him. So I sort of know what you mean." She replied taking some tissues for herself. "Fith floor,second door to the right. There on break now." She told you with a sad smile on her face before she shooed you away. 

As the lift's doors closed you gave her a watery smile and a small wave. Following her directions you opened the door. Just like she said the boys were on brake. Once Harry caught sight of your tear stained face he rushed towards you and pulled you into a tight hug. Mummuring soothing words into your hair. 

Maybe you were OK with nothing making sense at the moment becasue as long as you had Harry you would be alright.


She says...Yeah, he's still coming, just a little bit late
He got stuck at the Five and Dime saving the day"
She says...If life was a movie, then it wouldn't end like this
Left without a kiss
Still, she smiles, the way she smiles, yeah


I rolled over expecting Niall to be by my side but when I open my eyes, all I saw was an empty space. Again I was reminded that he wouldn't be here. Not now, not ever. I should have l known how could an international pop-star ever go for a girl like me? Looking at the clock I saw that I still had two hours before I had to go to work. 

I had given up everything for him. My home, my family, my friends...just everything. Only to have him leave me for her. She was beautiful and sweet and everything Niall would ever want. I should have known by the way he spoke of her... with such love, the way he used to talk about me. I wanted to hate her but I couldn't, simply becasue she made him happy. She was perfect for him. I knew that it was wrong to look at the tabloids but I had to... and I wish I had listened to myself.

His smile was real when he talked about her, it wasn't the fake smile that he gave me. It wasn't that fake smile I pretended was genuine just for my sake. Even the boys commented on how in love they were, something they never did for us.  I couldn't help but think that if this was a movie it wouldn't have ended this way, that he wouldn't have left without a kiss (much less a good-bye). It had been a month since that night. Since the day I knew that everything was over. He didn't even have the guts to say it to my face just annonced that we had lost the spark on some interview the day after. 

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