Chapter 4 - Oh no Saber has a fever

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Saber  was now 10 years old and she was loving it, she loved her family and loved her life but also she like acting/being a pet to them. She just loved being petted and following them around, somethings she even layed at there feet, she didn't know why but she just liked doing that.

However Saber held a secret today, 

Today Saber didn't feel very well but she wanted to spend as much time with her new friends, Alex who was 16 and a human boy ,Abby a young girl and Eddie a young boy, who were both twins, both 13 and both  werewolfs. She had to sneak out she new she was surrounded by vampires and if they got a whiff of her sent they would be able to tell that she was ill. Saber ran throw the doors and went to the amusement park with her friends, Lazarus, Dawn, Sliver and Eloy were going to join them soon but they told them to go ahead and have some fun. 

However Saber started to cough, "Saber are you alright? that doesn't sound too good" hinted Alex with Abby and Eddie looking at her worriedly, "no i'm ok...come on lets get on some rides" Saber yelled as she ran to her favourite ride.   

However Saber started to feel dizzy, weak and sick after half an hour later. Saber started to feel warm and faintly. She heard Abby ask her a question "so Saber what are your hiding you reek of sickness...oh no you are sick aren't you?", before Saber could reply to her friend she saw Lazarus running to her and she felt like she was falling, then she felt being lifted then going into total  darkness.


Lazarus ( This Is Before Saber Fainted) walked throw the gates with Dawn holding his arm kissing him on the lips when they stopped making sure Eloy and Silver were following. Silver ran over to a ball game and begged, "can we try get the panda? please please please"  Dawn laughed at her Eloy following her but all 3 of them played the ball game. Lazarus smiled and watched them play happy that's his family were having a good time.

Until a sent hit his nose.

Its was Saber's Scent

He smelt the air and his eyes shot open, he smelled the sickness on her and rushed throw the crowds trying to get to his Saber Tooth. When he spotted her she looked awful, she looked weak and very pail. it matched his suspicions she was indeed very sick. He saw her friend Abby ask her something but he was too worried about Saber to listen.

He ran at his vampire speed when he saw her fall and caught her before she hit the ground.  

Dawn, Sliver and Eloy rush to his side while Lazarus told Abby to get her twin and the human and take them home, when Saber was well she would call them explaining everything, Abby ran throw the crowds and do what she was told to do. Eloy looked at Saber and panicked "whats wrong with her? is she dying? oh please tell me is isn't dying on us now" with Silver crying at his statement mumbling to herself. 

Dawn shook her head and held her hand on Sabers forehead and sniffed because of the tears in her eyes, "no she isn't dying you 2 she has a fever" they both looked at her and said "oh no Saber has a fever". 

With that said Lazarus began to walk away and got on his white stallion, with Dawn getting on her grey horse, and Eloy helping Sliver get on his black one before getting on himself. He held Saber close to his chest and rode home mind linking some of the servants "get some cold water and a wet rag ready", he also commanded thought the mind link"someone call or get a doctor NOW!!"

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